Friday, July 23, 2010

We are Home!

We arrived home Thursday night after almost 21 hours. Thank you for all of the prayers to get Teresa home. She did pretty well on the flight , after 8 hours in the air her oxygen started to drop to 61. She was breathing heavier but still alert and doing OK. WE were so glad to be home. Alex brought Emilia , Gemma and Mary to the airport to meet us . Since Teresa was doing O.K. we decided to take her home. She loved seeing everything,but at fist she would not leave the family room. She gradually started to explore the rest of the house. She was very affectionate to her GeGe (older brother ). She loves Alex and won't let him out of her sight. We unpacked a little, gave the girls a bath and went to bed . It was so nice to finally sleep in my own bed. Teresa slept until 5:30. Today she went outside for 10 minutes to play with the girls , but the heat was too much for her . Her oxygen dropped to 65. We are going to take her to Hopkins on Sunday as long as she doesn't have any difficulty. We wanted to give her a couple days at home and to get acclimated to the time change.

Thank you everyone for your comments and support. We loved reading them all. I can not tell you how lucky we are to have Teresa as our daughter.

While we were away our 19 year old son , Alex took care of the girls(Mary, Emilia and Gemma). He did such a fantastic job, we are so proud of him. During the day he had help from Sarah and in the evening 2 woman from our church came over to help him ( Thank you Paula and Jane)and at night Grandmom came to spend the night. He was responsible for cooking ,cleaning, doing the dishes , the wash, feeding the dog, Medicating Arnold's eye( the cat),baths, bedtime, meals,taking Gemma for her type and cross, taking Gemma for her blood transfusion , taking care of Emilia's leg (to make sure no infection set in her fixator), and making sure everything ran smoothly at home . He did an incredible job! His sisters really love him. WE could not have done this trip without him. Someday he will make some young lady a wonderful husband.


  1. Oh Praise the Lord!! We have been praying earnestly and were anxiously awaiting word that Teresa was finally HOME!!! So glad that she did alright on the flights and looking forward to more updates!

  2. It brings tears to my eyes to see you guys at home. Thank you so much for posting. I am so grateful that she did good and was at least able to go home for a little while. I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

  3. Oh I am so glad you all are home!!!!! Your Alex sounds like such a wonderful son and brother!! I will continue to pray for Teresa's heart and health!!!

  4. Praise Jesus for a safe travel home! Been thinking of you guys!

  5. Welcome, welcome home to you and Teresa Caroline!! Praying for health for her. Makes me teary seeing how well she is adjusting to her family.
