Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hong Kong July 21

Tropical Cyclone Level 3 is in force!

This is the second cyclone to hit China since we have been here. The first one hit Gemma's province (GuangXi). This one is headed for Hong Kong tonight, is has now been upgraded to a level 3. The hotel is going door to door to tell everyone to stay in their room and go to bed ( it is the middle of the day).

PLEASE pray that it passes quickly and with no damage to the airport so we can fly home on time.We can not afford to be delayed. Teresa has been resting all day to make the flight home tomorrow.
Right now Teresa is doing really well. Her breathing and heart rate are all in check.
We have been advised that the flight home may be too much for her heart and lungs because of the pressurized cabin . Her oxygen level right now is 73%, but will likely drop during the flight . Please pray for her to stay stable with no emergencies .
Thank you for all of your prayers! We are so grateful to everyone.


  1. Praying!!! I will post and ask for prayer as well. God has held little Teresa in His loving care for so long...He has ya covered! :)

  2. Oh My! As if there isn't enough for you to worry about-- a cyclone?

    Many prayers for your family and Teresa that you are able to fly home on time and the flight goes smoothly.

  3. I just learned of your family and I will be praying for ya’ll and sweet Teresa!

  4. I just found your blog from another blog that I follow.
    I will read on to see what is going on with Teresa but one thing I wanted to suggest to you, and that is to pay $100-200 to use oxygen on the plane. Call the airline and see what their requirements are. She will need oxygen while flying and someone should have told you this.
    Good luck to you.

