Saturday, July 24, 2010


Today Teresa enjoyed another day of being "Home" and playing with all of her family. She now feels very comfortable telling her GoGo ( dog) what to do and playing with him. She still prefers to eat noodles for breakfast ,lunch and dinner. We are slowly acclimating her to American food. The extreme heat is still making her oxygen levels drop too dangerously low so we are keeping her inside for most of the day . We took her out this evening for a little while to play when the sun began to set , so it wasn't so hot. She loves being outside playing with her bike, bubbles , chalk and sisters. She was having so much fun she did not want to go in to potty . She thought she could just go like most of the children do in China ,in a bush or the gutter , but Dad was having no parts of that anymore , so in she went.

Today when my Father came over to visit, he asked "how are you going to put all of these kids through college? You should of thought of that first." Paying for college was something that did not enter our minds. What we were thinking was " How are we going to afford this adoption and bring this child home". Our first concern was to always give the girls a loving home and to get them healthy enough to even make it to college. Three of our daughters would have died if they had not been adopted. Two are doing fantastic now. We are praying that when we take Teresa to Hopkins on Monday they will tell us that all of the medical reports are wrong ,her heart can be fixed very easily , she will live a very long life and maybe someday even go to college.

We know GOD will provide a way if this is HIS will.


  1. Does the Bible say, "care for the orphan and send them to college?" haha! It is amazing that God has provided for you to adopt all these girls. He will definitely provide a way for his will to be done in their lives. You have been faithful to Him in adopting them; He will help you to provide for them. :)

  2. When you step out in faith amazing things can and do happen!

  3. I have no doubt that He will provide!!

  4. I have been following Teresa's story since she was Lucy and we were all advocating for her to come to the US for surgery. I am SO HAPPY that she has found her forever family, and I know that God has a great plan for her life. I am praying for wisdom for all as you take her to the doctor and start that journey with her. Blessings!

  5. I'm sorry your father doesn't "get it." I think your family is beautiful. If college happens later, great! If not, then God has another plan for their lives. When did it become a parental requirement, anyway? My kids know they need to get good grades and scholarships if they want a college education.

    I remember reading about Theresa when she was known as Lucy, too, and I pray that her health improves even though things look bleak right now.
