Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Sorry it has been so long since I last posted.

Christmas was a difficult time for us this year.  Not only was it Christmas but it also was Teresa's 7th. Birthday. 
We decided to do things a little bit differently.  Thank you to our friends and family who didn't judge us and ask why?

We could not wait for 2013 to be over  since it seemed like such a bad year.   But after thinking about exactly what a "Bad" year entailed , I realized that 2013 could not have been bad.  It was probably one of our best years ever.
It was the very last year we would ever have Teresa here with us, so it could not be bad.  It was filled with so many happy memories and the sounds of Teresa's magical laughter.  But it  also held a very sad , life changing time in our lives.  We became very different in 2013 because of it.  And I have to say for the better.   The journey that Teresa started us on 4 years ago was never an easy one, and we knew that going into her adoption.  But what we never expected along the journey was exactly how life changing it would be. 

I don't think I could even put into words exactly how our lives have changed.  It is something that we all  just feel, know and believe every day.  Teresa changed us.  She came to change each one of us in the way  that only God knew we needed. 
She lived for 6 years with half a heart and when she died she took half of our hearts with  her.

Many things have been happening ... Emilia is doing so much better with her legs healing.  She will have the external fixators removed in 2 months and she will be three inches taller. The infections are all gone!!!
Lucy will be performing in the schools spring play... Willy Wonka.  She tried out for Veruca but was cast as Umpa Lumpa #3.  She is so happy to be a part of the play she really did not mind being an Umpa Lumpa. And she makes an incredibly cute Umpa Lumpa!
Ed and I feel so blessed to be enjoying the pure love of our first grandchild.  He brings us all so much happiness.
Gemma is so excited for a very special event.... she is going on her Make A Wish trip.  She has waited for almost 2 years  and she is beyond excited.  She wished to learn to surf with  Bethany Hamilton from Soul Surfer. After watching the movie she felt a connection to her.  She said Bethany kept going after losing her arm and didn't give up.  She said she was just  like her because she doesn't give up either. Bethany is such an amazing role model for girls.    It's your choice how  you  react when life throws you a curve ball.  You can stay down and crumble or you can get back up and follow your dreams.


  1. Oh my gracious! Surfing with The Soul Surfer! That is the WAY COOLEST thing I've read in ages! Thank you for making my day with your post. Hang in there. Esther from RI (who made the glittery pink shawl)

  2. What an incredible testament for Teresa's too short life, but one lived SO fully that she's touched so many in your home and beyond and will continue to do so through the legacy you are all creating for her.
    So very glad for all the good news that is a part of your current happenings!! We continue to remember you all in our prayers.
    The Carr Family

  3. Ann, So glad to hear an update on your precious family. Although, many of us cannot imagine how difficult it was, our prayer is to share your burden. LOVE YOU MORE!

    AnnC in TN

  4. Thank you for the update. It is good to hear that Emilia is doing well now. I am happy to hear that Gemma is going to get her Make a Wish trip. I am sure she will have a great time. Continued prayers for you and your family.
