Friday, November 15, 2013

Our Immigration Officer

Almost 4 years ago, someone special came into our lives.
As I was preparing  our paperwork to adopt Teresa, I called the USCIS Office to ask to have Teresa's adoption expedited because of her health.  Cindy  answered the phone on that day.  As I explained to her the health of the little girl we were adopting, her heart was moved to help us.  Everyone in the adoption community knows how important your Immigration Officer is in the  adoption process.  I quickly gathered all the documents that she asked for and Cindy expedited Teresa's adoption in record time.

Over the years we  kept in touch.  Cindy always planned on coming to meet Teresa after she received her new heart.  But sadly that would not happen here on earth, it would have to wait until Heaven.

We were so happy when Cindy told us she still wanted to come and visit.   Meeting Cindy was wonderful.  Through Teresa we had a special connection that drew us together.
Over the week we went site seeing, ate crab cakes,  crab potato chips and crab soup, visited the Cemetery,  had lunch in D.C. with friends who helped to tell Teresa's story to the world and hung out with the Bartlinski Bunch and  Cindy became a member of our family.

We are so grateful that God orchestrated that day almost 4 years ago and  brought Cindy into our lives!
All because of you sweet girl.  We love you more!!!!!

Poor Emilia has had a really hard time.  Since she had her fixator surgery on October 8 ,  she has had one infection after another.
We thought she was on the road to recovery and then on Monday she started with enlarged and painful lymph nodes.  We went to the pediatrician and started yet another antibiotic.   On Wednesday the school nurse called to inform me that Emilia was covered in a red rash.   I picked her up from school and we went  to the pediatricians office.  By now she was in a lot of pain and starting with  a fever.  From there we went to Siani for Dr. Standard to look at her.  By the time we reached Siani she had a 103.5 fever and was covered from head to toe in redness and shaking.  The infectious  disease Doctor looked at her and knew she was in toxic shock and sent her right to the PICU. 

We started 2 more antibiotics.   The Doctor said she was very lucky that we caught it so soon because it saved her life.  

On Friday morning she had surgery to clean the infection from her bone.  The first results have come back and she now has MRSA and osteomyelitis.

The plan is to continue IV antibiotics and treat for mrsa and osteomyelitis  and wait for the rest of the cultures from the biopsy to come back to see what other nasty bugs might be hiding in her leg.


  1. Praying for Emilia! I'm so sorry to hear she is having such a difficult time.

  2. Anne, I'm so glad you were able to have Cindy spend time with the family -- and SO sorry to hear about Emilia! My father came home with MRSA back when he had his hip replacement, and we get cases from various hospitals regularly at the nursing home where I work. It's a nasty, nasty bug -- but it CAN be beaten! I know Emilia will get better, you all just hang in there!

  3. Glad to hear that you had a good week with Cindy. I am so sorry to hear that Emilia is having so much difficulty. Will be praying for Emilia that the infections will clear up soon. Will also be praying for you and the rest of the family. May the Lord give you the strength you need. God's blessing on each of you.

  4. Poor Emilia!!!! Have been and will continue to pray for a speedy recovery from these infections and no negative effects to her legs as she heals. What a trooper she is with her sweet smile after all she's been through. Want to see all your kids healthy as the holidays come up and give you all a break from doctors visits : ) All our best,
    The Carr Family

  5. I read your post and it immediately jogged my memory... Last year I was having not having a good day and I received an email from an officer who sent the nicest comments with her response. It turned my day around and I even recorded it in my prayer journal because God used an immigration officer of all people to cheer me up. I just pulled up that email this morning and it was from - you guessed it, Cindy
