Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Emilia is still in the hospital recovering from an infection.  She has spent 31 of the past 49 days in and out of the hospital. What started out as one infection quickly became another and then another.  For the past 2 weeks she has been battling sepsis, toxic shock and MRSA.  She has endured another surgery  to clean the infection and reposition the pins. She has undergone several tests including several ultra sounds, an  Indium Scan and an Upper GI along with countless blood tests.  She now has a Picc line and a feeding tube to help her regain the several pounds she has lost.

The infection in her leg has finally cleared up.  She now must start eating again to be able to go home. She will continue with IV antibiotics at home for several more weeks.

Emotionally it has been very difficult for her.  When she saw the picc line in her neck and the feeding tube, it reminded her of everything Teresa went through and she was afraid she was going to die also.

Child life has been fantastic working with her to alleviate all of these fears.
The nurses have been so supportive and loving.  One brought her tow trucks after she learned that Emilia wanted to be a  tow truck driver when she grows up.  Another nurse brought her a huge stuffed dog to keep her company. 

Unfortunately she has spent Halloween, her birthday and now Thanksgiving in the hospital.

We are praying she will be home soon and able to enjoy all the chaos, noise and love that being in a family provides. This is the best medicine of all.

Over the past several weeks a lot of people have commented and asked "how do you do it?"
Doing "It" really is not a big issue now.
 Several years ago, as we struggled with "our will" and "Gods will", it was very difficult to do "it".
Now we are resolved to doing Gods will. Once we let go of holding on to our own selfish desires we have found great comfort and peace in doing "it".  Sure we are tired and at times the journey seems endless but we hold on to our faith and hope.

I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving with your families.

For us it will be our first Thanksgiving without Teresa.There is so much that I miss about not having her here with me to help cook dinner and all the excitement and joy she had being with her family and just enjoying life. On Thanksgiving day she would start counting down the days to her Birthday and Jesus's Birthday.  She brought so much joy into every minute of our lives , this has been the hardest thing to"get over".  In one way it may be a good thing that I am not home.

We love you more sweet girl...  and we miss you SO much !!!!
I am so grateful that God gave us three years with you here on earth.  


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. I know the holiday season is going to be hard on your family, but I know you will find the strength to pull through. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for your little one.

  2. I prayed for Teresa and Emilia tonight.
    God bless you all!

  3. Ann,
    My Prayers Today For Healing For Emilia And Comfort To You And Your Family As You Go Through Your First Holiday Without Teresa. May God Continue To Pour His Blessings Upon You All.
    Happy Thanksgiving From Our Family To Yours.
    Dave Stanghellini And Family

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am sorry to hear that Emilia is still in the hospital. Have been praying for healing for Emilia and strength for all of you. Praying that you will continue to feel our Lord's strength during the Holiday Season.
