Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Teresa-Little White Animals

 Dear Teresa-
For the past month we have had many encounters with little white animals. First a little white deer came out of the woods by our house as we walked by. Now she comes out EVERY time we walk by and will stand very close to us and stare. Then while we were in Florida at Give Kids The World , a little white squirrel ran in front of us and stopped and followed us around the village. Yesterday at the pool as Lucy and I were sitting on the steps a white butterfly flew around my head 6 times and then landed on my ear, flew around Lucy and then flew over the water and circled all of the girls. 
   We buried you  in your white "Wedding Dress" as you called it.  You  LOVED this dress.   You said you were going to marry Jesus and you were wearing your wedding dress for your first Holy Communion.  Pink was your favorite color but white was your favorite color too because you said it always reminded you of your wedding dress.
Such Happy Memories Sweet girl! What a BLESSING!
Wonder what little white animal you will send us next Teresa? 


  1. I have enjoyed reading your insights about Teresa since she went to heaven. Sometimes the Lord sends us little reminders about our loved ones who are with Him to let us know that they are with Him and loved by Him. Thank you for sharing these insights with the rest of us.

  2. Dear Ann,
    I truly believe in these signs from our departed loved ones. Several years ago, my father lost a dear friend in a tragic drowning accident. This friend thoughts coins, especially pennies, were a nuisance and would often throw them to the ground to avoid having to carry them around in his pocket. For some time after this friend's death, my father would find pennies in various places outside of his home. He believe, as do I, that these pennies were sent from his departed friend, letting my father know he was at peace and in a better place.
    I believe Teresa was sending you the same message with the little white animals.
    I continue my prayers for you and your family, and I continue to send Teresa my own little messages every day.
    God Bless you!

  3. Still crying after the tiny princess in white dress. We love you guys!!!
