Thursday, June 27, 2013

Talitha Koum!

HE took the little girls hand and said "Talitha Koum!"... "Little girl get up!"



  1. Going to pray now Laura. I am truly inspired by Teresa's strength to keep fighting and I will continue to stand in faith with you asking God to heal her this side of Heaven.

  2. We believe that Teresa will fulfill to completion the calling of God upon her life, we dispatch ministering angels to bring healing and wholeness to her heart, we believe that her body will get into right alignment with the word of God and she will live a long and healthy life satisfied by God. In Jesus Name Amen.

  3. Always believe

    All our thoughts, our prayers for Teresa

    Ange mother of little princese of china
    Belgium, Europe

  4. I BELIEVE healing of Teresa's entire chest has occurred by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am thanking Jesus that his presence is there with all of you and that where His Spirit is...there is life. May His warmth and strength and light and love be felt by all of you. I BELIEVE!!! Thank you Jesus .... Creator..... Healer.....Life Giver...Encourager...Provider...Helper...Friend.

  5. Started a novena to Blessed John Paul II today. He is one of the best people I know. He was a shining example to us of God's love and a strength to all who suffered. I ask his intercession for Teresa that God heal her body and strengthen her. I also ask that God give you, your family, and the team patience and strength. - Dave Stanghellini in NY.

  6. Praying for your sweet little girl.
    May her smiles continue as the healing continues.

    (I came over here from the Momastery Facebook page.)

  7. While she was having her transplant after we'd been praying for Teresa, I opened my Bible for my nightly reading. Can you guess which passage it was? Yes!!! "Talitha Koum!"... "Little girl get up!"

    I believe The Lord is going to heal Teresa. She will go see Belle and she will ride her Princess bike without oxygen. We'll keep praying and so will our church. We'll pray for Teresa's healing and for strength and peace for your whole family.
    Love & peace ~The Foro Family

  8. Ann....
    In Peter Pan, {Not the animation!!} everybody repeatedly chants these magical words. "I do. I do. I do believe in fairies!!". Allow me to change that. I do. I do. I do believe in miracles!! Praying for many on behalf of sweet Teresa!! ;)

  9. I had the same experience as someone mentioned above. I was listening to my bible app driving home from work the other day, and tYes! this same story of Jesus giving this little girl her life back was the passage! I prayed and believed the same for Teresa and still believe fully! Jesus have mercy!! Talitha Koum! !!

  10. This is exactly what I've been praying and will definitely continue to do so!!!!! So totally believe the Lord will answer all the prayers for Teresa and she will live and declare His glory!

  11. Ann and family,

    We have been truly inspired by Teresa's story and her journey. She has touched us the lives of so many and for that we are truly blessed. We will continue to pray for her, for her surgery on Monday, for strength for all of you. In addition to our regular prayers, every night my 6, 8, and 15 year old (all from China, themselves) pray for a little girl they have never met, but have such concern for. We continue to hope and trust in HIM.
    Dave & Heather Stanghellini, Rina, Nuala, and Anna.
