Saturday, June 1, 2013

International Children's Day / Half The Sky

As many of you  know , Half The Sky was the orphanage that Teresa lived in for the first three years of her life in China .  Half The Sky was founded by Jenny Bowen to provide special medical care to medically fragile orphans in  China.  Teresa was known as Liu Fang ( Fang Fang ) and received life saving medical care at the Half The Sky orphanage.    Without their love and medical care Teresa would not have survived.   We are forever grateful to Half The Sky for changing Teresa's Life Story and giving her hope for a brighter future.

China celebrates International Children's Day on June 1st. . 
Childrens' Day is  a day to highlight the dignity of children and their need for love, care, and respect, and instill in the children a sense of independence and national pride.

This year Half The Sky is  bringing more awareness to the tremendous needs of  orphans in China by sharing one childs story... Bo Yuan.

BoYuan: One of Many Thousands
This International Children’s Day, we’d like to share the story of one special child whose life has been transformed through Half the Sky.
BoYuan was born with anal atresia, which requires surgery as soon as possible after birth. He had surgery at a local hospital when he was several days old, but the surgery wasn’t done well and post-op care was extremely difficult. His wounds became infected. Luckily, the institution had somewhere to turn. The China Care Home.
When BoYuan arrived at the China Care Home, he received surgery right away. Since then, he’s had to have four more surgeries. Each time, he’s had a loving China Care nanny to help him through experiences that would be scary, painful, and confusing for any child. She’s stayed with him at the hospital and cared for him during his recuperations at the home. BoYuan's nanny has made sure he knows he’s not alone.
While BoYuan may still need further medical treatment, he is also a thriving, mischievous little boy. He can walk quickly and well. He is quite a smart boy and is learning to talk. He’s sweet too, and fetches toys and gives them to younger children who are crying. He recognizes all the nannies who take care of him and calls them “Qi, Jin, and Zhang Mama.” We know that this adorable child has a bright future despite his difficult beginnings.
We’re changing life stories for the 250 children like BoYuan who receive care each year at our China Care Home and the thousands of children in other Half the Sky programs across China. Their stories are being rewritten right now. And it’s happening because of the work of Half the Sky and the help of our international family of supporters.

 "Please visit Half the Sky to learn more about their work"

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