Friday, May 3, 2013

Just an O.K. Visit

Today Teresa 's check up was just so so .
She has a cold and because of that her blood work was off a little .  Her heart  function has declined but Dr. Hanna thinks this is because of the infection .   She was started on an antibiotic and her diuretics were increased to try and take some of the added stress off of her heart .
The good news is she gained 1POUND !!!!
We still can not believe it has been 10 months of waiting for a new heart but I know God knows the day and time .
Dr. Hanna said that most of his patients receive their transplants while he is away on vacation ,  since he is leaving tomorrow for vacation , he is predicting she will get her new heart this week .

This would probably be the worst week possible for us because next  Saturday the girls are going to see Taylor Swift ( for Christmas Grandpop gave the girls tickets to see her on May 11 in D.C.).
The girls also have their ballet recital on May 18th. .  Teresa has been so excited about dancing on stage . She can not wait to wear makeup and put on her costume .  This song (that is playing ) "How to Believe" by Tinkerbell  is the song they are dancing to.

The one thing that I have learned over the past 10 months is that I am not the one in control , God is .  Teresa's new heart will come at the exact time that God has planned  .
                           ( To hear Teresa sing Party in The USA , pause the music at the bottom .)

  Taylor Swift sent Teresa an autographed poster .


  1. I pray for Teresa every night along with several others children waiting for heart transplants. I love that she always has a smile on her face, she is just so cute! Hope she gets over that old cold quickly. WTG on gaining a pound!

  2. Constantly praying for Miss T!!!!!

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  4. Continued prayers for Teresa and for your beautiful family! - Theresa from Georgia
