Sunday, May 5, 2013

Anonymous ...

To the  anonymous  person  who left us  an unkind comment ... I debated whether or not to respond to you  .  Until you have walked a mile in our shoes  and God forbid  have a child waiting for a heart transplant then you will never  know how we feel . Yes, Teresa is looking forward to dancing in her recital .  She loves to dance . She needs something to look forward to , it is what keeps her going .  And yes she is looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift . She has had to sacrifice and suffer so much in her little life time  .You will never know the daily struggles she has to contend with as she struggles for life  . She deserves  to look forward to some happiness by  doing something she loves !

Transplant is a gift that one family gives to another .  It is a miracle that we do not take for granted and we will cherish forever .  The gift of life for one means the end of life for another .

We have asked for prayers for Teresa to receive her gift of life AND we have also asked for prayers for the family that will give Teresa a second chance at life through their tremendous gift .We are not praying for another child to die so Teresa may live .  We are praying for Gods Will to be done .

To your friends no explanation is necessary , to your enemies none will do ...


  1. Oh so sorry you had to make this post. I too waiver about whether or not to respond to such ignorance and unkind remarks. You owed them no explanation yet you have them much grace.

  2. I am so sorry you had to even write this post-
    what a creep...

    Praying for your sweet girl AND for the other family.

  3. So sorry that someone conveyed 'negative' thoughts towards your family. You are correct, those of us that have not "walked in your shoes" don't know what it is like. We can only provide support. But only someone 'callus'- can't understand that anyone, especially a child, who is facing a life threatening illness, needs to have some 'normalcy' in their life. Whether it be a Taylor Swift concert, going on a picnic, or whatever it may be, every child deserves the opportunity to have some time to 'just be a kid & not have to worry about anything'. You are clearly aware & have often commented, that with the joy & 'fear' you will experience when you get "the call that a heart has been found", another family will be suffering the greatest grief no parent should ever have to experience. So to anyone else that feels the 'need to convey negative thoughts/opinions' to Teresa and her family- we'll pray that God will help you learn what empathy is, because you never know, when you might be faced with a similar situation in your own family. Fortunately, there are alot more caring folks in this world than insensitive individuals. Blessings to Teresa and your entire family. Pam

  4. Sorry you have to put up with other's limitations. I have followed your journey for awhile and am in awe of both you and your princess. I pray for all of you every night.

  5. Really hard to find compassion for those "Anonymous" people who can't possibly understand but you have done a beautiful job here, Ann. Prayers for Teresa and God's perfect timing.

  6. I am also sorry that you had to write this post. Nobody knows what you are going through. Teresa does deserve some happiness. Those of use who follow your posts know how much compassion you have for the family who has to lose their child for Teresa to live. We have been praying for peace for you and the other child's family. Continued prayers for your family and especially for Teresa.

  7. Well - sorry to hear the appointment wasn't "all great" - but - "it'll do" - and that's sometimes enough! Glad that T has something to be looking forward to!

    To the troll - go away - we don't do negative here. We all understand the "bittersweet" part of situations like this - and negative comments hurt the donor's family as much as the recipients.

    And finally to you guys - Oh you are an extremely "class act" - and as always we'll be holding you guys in our hearts and prayers!

    hugs - aus and co.

  8. Ann it breaks my heart that someones thoughtlessness has added this hurt to your family. You've always been clear in past posts your understanding of the cost of a gift of life such as this.
    Our families prayer is that God would do a creative miracle and give Teresa new heart and lungs, but if it's His choice that he would salvage a horrible situation for another family and allow a part of their child to live on in the gift that is THEIR choice to give to another!! God continue to bless and keep your family and give you His peace.
    The Carrs

  9. Dear Ann,
    I have had the privilege of following along with your family through this blog for probably two years. I don't comment on many blogs, but I do laugh at antics, smile at the beauty in your family and...cry quite a bit. :)
    It has been an honor to watch the grace that you have handled these beautiful and painful times with your precious Treasures. I will continue to pray for everyone in your family as you continue to wait on God's timing for Teresa. I will also continue to to pray for the donor family, that Jesus will wrap His loving arms around them and give them peace in their loss and hope as they offer the gift of life to your daughter.

    To the person that wrote the words of discouragement to this family, I will sincerely pray for you and yours, that you will not have walk this valley of waiting with a loved one. If you would have to, Jesus is there for you to give you the same grace and stability as Teresa's family is offering to her.

    God's mercy and blessings,

  10. I am so sorry Ann, you had to endure ignorance. You have been so kind when speaking of this transplant and the family of the one who will have to die in order for Teresa to live. I read your blog and I am in awe of what a beautiful heart you have. I am so excited that Teresa's doctor commented that hearts come when he is on vacation and he is on vacation this week. I was jumping for joy hoping this would be the week. Yes, a child will become an angel for Teresa to obtain her heart...that is not your doing but is God's doing. We are given so many days on this earth and it is all God's will. This angel was put on this earth to give a heart to a deserving child. Some might think this is cruel to is reality. I know with all my heart that if I was to lose a child and that child could save a life, it would be such a comfort to me. I work in healthcare and I have seen death and obviously this person who commented just does not get it. I feel for this person because this person must not have faith. I feel for you because you should never have to deal with such ignorance. Praise God that He is able to guide medical science in order for continued life by using organs of a dying person. That in itself is a wonderful miracle. Best wishes and you and Teresa and your family are in my prayers. I just have such a great feeling about your little girl. I cannot explain it but I just know God has great plans for her.

  11. So sorry someone was unkind. After our children's accident we have gotten a few crazy comments that are just is so easy to hide behind a computer. I've prayed for Teresa for years and understand your feelings. Our son was born blind and had a corneal transplant...we were so thankful for the gift of sight (just sight...not life) but our hearts went out to the donors family that they made that courageous and life changing decision. God bless you guys!

  12. Strong words, from a strong woman, well done, and prayers are flowing to you and yours xx

  13. So sorry that the ugliness of this world entered your blog. Much love and prayers to your family.

  14. Hi Ann,
    I am sorry someone felt the need to send you that post. I have also been praying daily for Teresa since you were in China getting her. Actually, the kids and I pray together every night for her complete healing. That is what we petition God for: Her complete healing however He chooses that to happen. A friend's son was born with a terminal heart defect and spent his first several months in a transplant hospital awaiting a donor. No one prays or wishes for another child to die. They did not either. They just prayed for his complete healing. He did receive his transplant and now is 2 yrs old :) I encourage everyone to be an organ donor. You can save many lives by doing so.
    I also just had to make a comment about Taylor Swift . I took my 13 yr old to go see her a few weeks ago in Orlando. I had not been to a concert in over 30 years She was awesome !!!! I was not a huge fan before but am now:) She is just so genuine and funny too!! I liked her so much that I was considering taking the other 2 out of town to another city to see her. As it was, I had to get a hotel in Orlando just for that concert. Our entire hotel, which was a few blocks from the Orlando Amway Arena, was packed full of girls and their moms waiting to see Taylor Swift. You will really enjoy the concert and I am very happy that you will be taking Teresa to it! Have lots of fun there !!!!
    God bless,
    Lee Ann in FL.

  15. I cannot believe someone would have the nerve... ok they didn't that is why they are anonymous, Bless you all.
    I met Teresa in China...she is a very special child!! Have a great time at T Swift!! We are taking our Annie Kate & Molly ( both from China) to her concert in July!

  16. Ann,

    I'm sorry you have to put up with negative people. The majority of us are true Teresa followers, and love her and your family. Did the girl's enjoy the Taylor Swift Concert? Praying that Teresa gets her miracle soon.
