Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Almost a great week

Well, it was almost a great week .   Since coming home from the Hospital , Teresa was doing great .  She returned to school for two hours a day , returned to ballet class and was feeling really well ...until this evening .  It started with her saying she was cold ( a big red flag , because she is never cold unless she is getting a fever ) .  Sure enough two hours later a 101 fever .  Her breathing also became much more labored .  Praying this is not anything serious .

Last week was such a busy week . It seemed like everything was falling apart in the house at the same time . Leaks , floods and a huge mess ... but we were not going to be discouraged.  Too many happy events were happening to stay focused on that other stuff .  Grace celebrated her Confirmation , Mary and Lucy enjoyed some special time with Dad at the Father /Daughter Dance at School and Teresa discovered that she loved shooting a bow and arrow like Brave . Teresa also decided that she was not going to buy shoes anymore  at Payless because they did not have a big enough selection of fabulous sparkly shoes . The only store she wants to shop for shoes at now is the Disney Store  because almost all the shoes there are princess sparkly shoes .

Lucy's surgery for  next week was canceled ( she was to have her cleft palate repaired with a bone graft from her hip )  . The transplant team felt it would not be a good idea to take Teresa off the list for 4 days while I was in the hospital with  Lucy.  ( just in case she had a perfect heart offer we did not want to miss it )  Since I can not be in two hospitals 2 1/2 hours apart at the same time  ,  we all agreed to postpone Lucy's  surgery a few months.

Gemma also had a Ferriscan of her heart and liver last week .  For the past two years her iron levels have been dangerously high ( from receiving blood transfusions for 6 years every three weeks , the excess iron accumulates in the liver and heart ) .  She will have her blood transfusion tomorrow and we are praying her results from the scan are much lower than last years results.

                                                 BELIEVE IN MIRACLES !


  1. Wow - yeah - that's tons of stuff! Congrats on the Confirmation - our Diocese usually has that later in the spring! Great stuff over all - and love the shoes!

    hugs and continued prayers for all -

    aus and co.

  2. Praying for quick recovery from any virus for Teresa and continued healing for all!!
    Cute pics : )

  3. Hope Teresa is feeling better. Was praying that Teresa just might receive her new heart today. What a perfect Valentine's gift that would be.
