Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1A Again

Teresa has been re listed as status 1 A again.  She did not lose her place on the list and will resume her wait from the time she was off the list.  
We spoke with the Transplant team and discussed all of the results from her recent tests.   Everything seems to be the same , not worse but not better either .   The transplant will still be extremely high risk but worth taking the risk because this is her only hope . Her pulmonary pressure is still very high and her PVR ( pulmonary vascular resistance ) still responds a little  with oxygen and nitric oxide.  She is expected to struggle for a while as the new heart adjusts  but we are hopeful ...
We are praying for a very strong heart , no complications , very little time spent on ECMO , for the new heart to be able to adjust to the high pulmonary pressure ,for Teresa to stay strong and for the donor family  to have peace .


  1. Glad to hear that she has been put back on the list. Praying that everything will go well when she has the transplant.

  2. Relieved to see this one - and as always - praying for all the families involved!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. So relieved to hear this news - continued prayers:). Theresa in Georgia

  4. Teresa is the strongest little princess I have never met. I am certian with her strength and Jesus by her side she will make it through this just fine.

    Love you Teresa, be strong!

  5. Okay. Whew. Was turning a little blue in the face, there. I can't think of any other situation anytime in my life where the idea of it being alright to proceed with a ridiculously dangerous act is such a GOOD thing... but this is Good News, indeed. :-)

  6. Praying for every need! Hugs to your precious brave litttle Teresa!
