Monday, January 28, 2013


We thought we were going home today  but Teresa needed to have a pulmonary angiogram CT  .  We tried it without sedation but the Boss decided she did not want to lay still. So now it has been rescheduled for Tuesday morning with sedation  .  
The CT is being done to see why her left lung is only receiving 30% of oxygen . 

For the most part she has been doing really well .  She is tolerating the nightly feeds and Ed and I have been trained on how to administer them and insert the NG tube.   She does not like the NG tube  at all and has voiced her opinion that she IS NOT going home with it .   She doesn't want anyone to see her with it .

Today she really enjoyed the  arts and craft therapy session .  The art therapist came to her room and spent a lot of time with her . She loved it .  The therapist commented to Ed and I that she thought Teresa was  special and had a very engaging personality .  Teresa  also spent a lot of time with her wonderful nurse  while Ed and I were in "Class" to learn about the NG tube .  Apparently they had a very lengthy conversation about everything .  When the supply person came in her room to restock her medical supplies , she informed him that it was O.K. with her if he used her hand sanitizer and that he could come back and visit any time .  . She enchanted everyone she met today .

We also had a visit today  from a Blog friend and her two beautiful daughters  . Teresa loved visiting with them and showing them all  her special treasures that she keeps in her fabulous purse .

Hopefully if all goes well tomorrow we will be headed  home !


  1. Praying as you guys try to get everything sorted out so you can return home!

    And that looks like Evangeline and her sister were your special visitors today, eh? :-) Fun! She (Evangeline) is another little miracle/answer to prayer!

    Praying in CA!

  2. I continue to pray for that cutie pie Teresa. I will pray tonight that the CT of her lungs comes back with good numbers.

    Denise in GA.

  3. Such a cutie pie!
    Luv, Luv, Luv you little Princess Teresa.

  4. What a lovely little princess - she "enchanted" me from afar a long time ago - I can imagine the effect she has on people in person!

    Prayers continue for y'all - and hugs -

    aus and co.

  5. Continuing to pray for this special little princess.

    The Carr's

  6. Would she be more accepting if you taped the ngtubing along the nasal canula so it's not yet another thing hanging in front of her? We did that with my daughter until she got her g-tube. She was a toddler at the time so for us it was one less tube to catch on things if we ran them together.

  7. Praying Miss T can go home soon! Hugs from the state of Georgia!

  8. Praying that you will be home soon:) Theresa from Georgia
