Saturday, January 26, 2013

CHOP day 3

  Teresa and I spent the day having a manicure ...well 8 manicures  because a princess always has to have pink sparkly nails !

Doctors are  optimistic that we will be able to proceed with the heart transplant although it will still be VERY high risk . We will have the final  results hopefully by Monday night .

These  are a few photos of the past few days .  We stayed at The Gift of Life House on Wed. .  Teresa loves staying there because it has a big playroom full of toys .  We met a little girl from Florida waiting for her transplant .  They have been living at the house for a month now. Teresa was immediately attracted to her when she noticed the  sparkly  shoes she was wearing .  


  1. Looks like a wonderful day! Continued prayers for Teresa and your whole family.

  2. What a strong, resilient child!! I will never give up praying for a miracle for her. She shines like the bride of Christ she is!

    Carolyn (in Las Vegas)
    Mother to Joy Lin 16 1/2 yr from Hefei

  3. you are beautiful Teresa. Love your beautiful smiles and we pray daily for you and your family..

    Emily, Jason and Madisyn

  4. Love you little Cinderella to the moon and back. Keep strong little one. Praying for you as always little miracle girl.

  5. Nothing beats sparkly nails! Prayers continue.

  6. Great stuff - I love the courage and just plain "spunk" of this little darling!

    Holding you guys close - hugs and prayers - aus and co.
