Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Boss

The Boss is back!

Teresa bounced back with renewed energy and vigor from the trial run .   She is so resilient it amazes me .  Life is back to as normal as possible as we anticipate the arrival of Santa and someone very specials 6th. Birthday on Christmas !   Teresa  is so happy that she shares her Birthday with Jesus .

Teresa is scheduled to have another Heart Catherization , MRI and feeding tube within the next two weeks.  We do not have the exact date yet but we are praying for really good results .( Low pulmonary pressure, low Pulmonary vascular resistance).   We have tried to get by with out the feeding tube but it has been a never ending battle .  She has not gained weight in over a year.

All the girls are doing great also .  Emilia had the external fixator removed and  a  rod inserted for stability . She loves her new Christmas cast . 

Gemma is back to having her blood transfusions every three weeks again ( 4 was too long) .  Her daily infusions have been increased also to 7 days to try and remove her VERY elevated ferritin levels .

We would be so appreciative of prayers for Grace , Mary and Lucy .   The stress of  Teresa's Heart transplant has been very hard on them these past two weeks .   They are old enough to realize the enormity of everything happening  . They have had to make a lot of sacrifices lately .

We hope everyone is enjoying this joyful Christmas time with your family !

All of our children will be home together on Saturday . (Paul and Meg are coming home ). Life doesn't get better than that !


  1. Continiuing to pray or little T! What a dang cutie! Glad you will all be together for the holidays.

  2. Ann - you and your family just impress me no end - you are true Witness to Faith in our Father - wow!

    Yeah - you're right - everyone together just doesn't get any better than that!

    Love you guys and prayers will continue - hugs around -

    aus and co.

  3. Glad to hear that Teresa is doing well and that Emilia has the fixator removed. It is good news to hear that your whole family will be together on Saturday. God's blessing on all of your family. Continued prayers for Teresa, Gemma, and Emilia. Special prayers will be going out for Grace, Mary, and Lucy. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  4. We continue to pray! I hope Teresa has a wonderful birthday! Look at that great Christmas cast!

  5. Continuing to pray for all. Wishing your family a joy filled and peaceful Christmas and birthday celebration.
