Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Teresa's Story "

We want to share with everyone some amazing news that has been happening in Teresa's life.

A few months ago our Immigration Officer asked us to send her an update on Teresa. (  Who by the way is an amazing person.  Cindy was monumental in helping us to bring Teresa home from China very quickly .  I hope one day to be able to thank her in person and give her a big hug. )    Teresa's  update was shared  in The Immigration News Letter.   They then  shared her story  with The Baltimore Sun Newspaper  and this Friday (December 21)   Teresa's story will be on The Today Show .

Teresa will be 6 on Christmas Day  and her life has touched thousands of people all over the world .   Her magical personality and iron will to face all of the challenges in her life have touched many people .   She  has been an inspiration to so many facing medical problems of their own .  She has led many back to their faith by showing how much she loves Jesus and wanted to " Marry " Him on her First Holy Communion Day .  She has also led many families to adopt "Special Needs Children"  , showing them that  there is no fear in adopting a "special Needs"  child , only LOVE .

God has used her life to touch so many already .  We now hope that her life will also  bring more awareness to the  tremendous need for organ donation .

We also hope that Teresa's Story will touch other peoples hearts and they will  help us to pray for a MIRACLE.

"Where there is great love , there are always great miracles."  Mother Teresa


  1. I cannot tell you how excited I am for all of you for this tremendous opportunity.

    I have followed your journey to Teresa before she met her amazing family and I watched as that little girl sitting by a bed in her orphanage found her very own family...it was the light of her smile and those eyes...they have always shone pure love.

    Can't wait for your story to be shouted out for all to know!

    Merry Christmas, Ann.....blessings to you and your family. I will be watching!


  2. Now there's a Christmas Blessing - might this darling child reach a million more folks and touch their hearts!

    Great joy for y'all - give her a hug for me eh?

    and have a couple for the rest of y'all too -

    aus and co.
