Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Fall!

Our family has been  blessed to have so many wonderful organizations  be a part of our journey .

This weekend  we were treated to a fun day at the pumpkin patch by a local Foundation  that helps to make the lives of children with severe health issues a little bit happier.   Casey Cares Foundation   was started by a very loving woman who lives locally in our community . This weekend we had the privilege of meeting her and "Thanking " her personally for giving Teresa and Gemma  so much happiness.   They really  love looking forward to the fun activities that Casey Cares offers them .   Just another angel sent to help us on this journey . 

This weekend we also became "Official "   Donate Life Ambassadors.   (Really just a big name that means we are volunteering at The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland .)  Last weekend we were all filmed to help tell Teresa's story .  The hope is that people will see how VERY inportant organ donation is and how many lives can be saved .   I was shocked to learn that only 43% of people in our state are  organ donors.   Nine lives can be saved by one persons donation .  But sadly 18 people will die tomorrow waiting for a second chance at life  and 115 people will be added to the waiting list just tomorrow alone !
So since organ donation is such a huge part of our life we wanted to do something to help bring more awareness to this tremendous need  . Please consider becoming an organ donor .

Teresa continues to wait for her second chance at life .  The stories of the families who have donated life are just incredible . They are all amazing people .

We continue to try and get things in order for this next phase of our journey .  A lot of things are falling into place but there is still so much more that needs to happen that only God can orchistrate.
We are so grateful to everyone for lifting our family up in prayer .  We can definitely  feel the love .


  1. Signing up to be an organ donor was a no-brainer for me. It really baffles me that so many people feel the need to cling to parts they won't even be able to use anymore :\

    And of course, everyone looks great as always! :-)

  2. Continued prayers for your family from NM.
    Teresa, your sweet smile is precious.

  3. Cute pics!! Have had the little button on my license as an "organ donar" from way back in the days when it was just a pink sticker. It seemed the only thing to do as I felt if I were ever in the circumstance where I didn't need the parts anymore, why have them go to waste? Continuing to lift you all in prayer.

  4. And the love and prayers will continue!

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. Just wanted to say I think I can hear the orchestra warming up... and they're sounding pretty good. :-)

    (I'd like to be an organ donor but cannot, thanks to some "interesting" medical history of my own...)
