Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Teresa's monthly visit to CHOP on Monday was not good .
For  the past few weeks we noticed her breathing was more labored with very little activity .  We attributed it to school starting and being a little tired from the change in routine.  Dr. Hanna thought otherwise  .  Her Oxygen dropped into the 30's for her stress test, blood pressure was extremely high and her heart rate was too high .  He said we really could not blame it on school .  Her heart and lungs are deteriorating more.

The new plan ... she can not come off of her oxygen for even 5 minutes. ( we were not putting it on her while she was riding in the car or laying down watching TV ) But he said this was too dangerous . She also is being moved up on the transplant waiting  list to a 1A status ( she was 1B).   This means she could receive a heart VERY soon . 

Needless to say we are feeling very overwhelmed at this moment .
Emilia has an upcoming surgery in November , Mayzie is still limping and  we are still trying to get plans worked out for the care of the girls while I am  gone .
I have to admit I still hear in the back of my head  all of the Doctors who said this would never happen . That Teresa would never be a candidate for a Heart transplant . All I hear is them repeatedly saying she would not survive it .
So after having a panic attack , I took a deep breath  , calmed down and listened to Ed . He has complete faith that Teresa will be OK.  I on the other hand am still a complete wreck.  

When I step back and look at what God has done in Teresa's life already , I have to admit that her life is a miracle from the moment she survived birth with half a heart , survived 2 years in an orphanage  , survived the flight home and  survived 2 years waiting to be listed for a heart .  She is a miracle already .  God has taken a tiny little orphan girl with enough spunk , personality and determination to move mountains . And look out because she knows when she gets her new heart she will be the BOSS.  ( she loves to be the boss).  We told her that she will be able to BOSS her lungs and new heart to be healthy and strong . ( she is still considered to be extremely high risk for a heart transplant because of the high pressure in her lungs .  The fear is the new heart will not be able to pump against the pressure in her lungs and cause the left ventricle to tank . This is why I am a nervous wreck ). 

WE could really use prayers for peace right now . We also are praying for God to provide the means to care for the girls. But mostly we are praying that Teresa's heart and lungs do not continue to deteriorate .
Thank you all for joining us in these prayers !


  1. Just prayed dear Ann and will continue to pray!

  2. Exited to hear that Teresa is closer to getting her new heart, but realize the true gravity of the situation. Teresa's 'SPUNK" is going to serve her very well in getting through this surgery. Children continue to astound me at how resilient they are. Teresa definitely knows 'God's in charge & has alot more planned for her. Wish I could help with some of the logistics, but unfortunately I'm in Chicago. So I will continue to think and pray for you, that the surgery occurs quickly and you can then focus on recovery back home. Pam

  3. We continue to pray for Teresa!!!!!

  4. Many prayers for sweet Teresa and your family!

  5. Good morning Ann - today is October 3rd, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi - and today not only did and will we again - pray for Teresa - we'll add a little prayer that you come to find a little of that Peace that francis came to know!

    And as always - send along hugs -

    aus and co.

  6. Praying for peace and healing for Teresa and your other girls. You are in our thoughts and prayers!


  7. Aboslutely praying! She is SUCH a gift and an encouragement to people all around the world. God is already using her to transform lives. Praying for perfect timing and perfect peace over you guys.

  8. Glad to get the update on Teresa, but not glad to hear about her heart and lungs. I will continue to pray for Teresa and the rest of the family. Will especially pray for you, Ann, for the peace that passeth all understanding. May God give you the strength you need to endure all he has for you. Love to all your family.

  9. Several of our long-term residents regularly ask me (one on a daily basis!) about Teresa and her sibs. They're all praying for her, for them, for you, and for the whole family. I'll pass on the latest update (as I always do), and I'm sure they'll recruit friends & family to help.

  10. Sending prayers for Teresa, and all of you. What a roller coaster ride. Please take care of yourself, I can't imagine how emtionaly draining this has to be.

    Whatever happens, I know you understand that Teresa will be OK. I know you, Teresa and the whole family have come to know how to enjoy each day and treasure it. Thanks for giving all of your kids a chance to be a part of your family. They and you are truly blessed.

    Sending you lot of love, hugs and prayers.

  11. I have been following along and am so praying for your sweet girl and your family!!

  12. Praying for all your needs!

  13. Sweet little Teresa, though you may be small, God certainly has big, big plans for you in this world. You are amazing, beautiful and perfect in every way. Please know that you are loved and we are praying for you and your new heart so you can begin God's next journey which he has planed for you. Be strong little one! Sending you the biggest hug I can. Sending prayers for your family from NM.

  14. Saying prayers for peace right now. God does miracles, he has and he will. Heart babies are close to my heart and Teresa will be in my prayers!

  15. Dear Ann,

    We have prayed for 2 years for Teresa and will continue as long as it takes. Praying also for Emilia to continue to heal and for Mayzie too :) And, we are praying for peace for all of you.

    God bless all of you,
    Lee Ann and family

  16. Ann, I am not trying to say I completely understand, but our baby girl was set to have her open-heart surgery for her very defective heart this past Thursday. We got bumped to Monday .. but then on Friday they called to say our spot was given to a new baby who was born and they didn't know when they could fit her in. UGH! I was so upset and just bawling. More than one person has told me to remember God is in control, but I gotta tell you I've been upset with Him too and having a spiritual hissy fit if you will. And now to read this about Teresa ... well I'm just mad. :(

    Mad that our babies have to be born with so much wrong with their hearts. Mad at all of the suffering and unanswered questions. Just plain mad. I know, how *mature* of me huh?

    But if you want to have a virtual hissy fit with me, I'm available!

    I will continue to pray for Teresa. I think of her so often as I watch our baby girl suffer and struggle. And though our surgery wait is different from yours, the not knowing is just difficult and I get that part of it.

    Our baby girl was born with one ventricle missing, but it is all complicated b/c her heart is on the wrong side of her chest and turned backwards and somewhat upside down.

    Always makes you feel good (not) when the tech is saying out loud, "This is a strange one. I keep forgetting it is upside down and backwards and twisted." She is nice and wasn't trying to be mean--she was just kind of talking to herself, but it made me so sad for our girl.

    And I just read about all of these precious children and say why God? And for your other girls, who also have to work so much harder and endure so much, I am sorry. I know you like me wish you could take their place and endure it for them.

    I know my comment probably is of no help and not really encouraging, but thank you for keeping it real and letting me know I'm not the only one who struggles to trust in God's plan and especially when that involves waiting with no definite answers.

    Hugs and Prayers from TN,

  17. I'm praying for your girl, the doctors as they work on her, and calmness for everyone. And also, comfort for the donor family.

  18. She is a mircle! Will keep her in my prayers.
