Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Last Summer

We are back from some much needed rest and relaxation ( AKA- vacation).   Our energy level was very low and we were in great need of having our spirits re -energized .   It was so nice to be able and spend some time with Paul and Meg.  Because of their school schedule we only get to see them once or twice a year .   The girls love spending time with them  .  Alex and Taylor also spent a few days with us relaxing .

On our way home from vacation we met with an amazing family .  Their daughter ( Rachel) is also waiting for a heart transplant .   It was so nice to talk to another family who is going through the same situation as us .  Their strength and courage was very inspirational .  I know God puts people in your path to help lift you up on your journey and for us this was just what we needed !

We also stopped to see Ed's twin brother Jim and his wife Amy and their three children  ( they also have a daughter from China .  Hope, is actually from Mary and Emilia's province , Hubei ) .  Teresa  wasted no time makig herself feel at home and playing dress up .  She LOVED being a southern Belle .

We are now back to reality .  I have to say the escape from reality was actually REALLY nice .  We had no Doctors calls, Doctors appointments , blood transfusions , surgeries ...  It felt really great to just "BE".     Now we have to pay ... this week we have 8 Doctors appointments and Gemmas blood transfusion .. Friday all 6 of the girls and I will travel to Philly for Teresa's monthly check up and testing .  We will be meeting with the transplant team and Child Life to discuss the transplant procedure in more detail to the girls .

I can not believe summer is almost over .  In less than 2 weeks all of the girls will start school .  I really love having them all home,  but for the first time in 26 years , I will be childless for 4 hours each day . ( Teresa is starting kindergarden with Gemma but will only go to school  half a day because of her health ) .  So I  will have  4 hours to myself , I can hardly stand the wait !

Here are some photos of our VERY  WONDERFUL summer . It went by way too fast !  Praying God will bless us with another wonderful summer next year and  ALL of us together !


  1. SO HAPPY you all had a chance to get away and as you said just "be"!
    God continue to bless and keep you all as you adjust back to regular schedule and routines.

  2. I am glad that you had some time to get away and relax. I love the pictures. Everyone looks like they are having a good time.

  3. God is so good! I love the way He knits hearts together (pun intended!) and brings special friends into our lives at just the right time! I have followed your journey with Teresa for so long, (before I even knew I'd be following you!) that it feels strange to suddenly find myself in the same place as families! I feel incredibly blessed! Teresa proves just how special heart babies are! I can't wait to see all that God has in store for her~ Praying for miracles to abound!!! Together with HOPE, Lori McCary

  4. Good morning Ann - our vacations overlapped! We were in Hocking Hills Ohio - a place with neither Internet access OR cell phone service - and wow was it good to disconnect!!

    Glad you had the chance for this - enjoy the school year - our's starts today!

    hugs - and continued prayers - aus and co.
