Sunday, July 22, 2012

Team Teresa !

We had a VERY busy week , 3 Hospitals,  4 Doctors appointments and 3 orthodontic appt.  . Oh and a two day lacrosse tournament in Delaware !  

Everyone is doing well .  Emilia's arm is now 4cm longer .  We will stop turning the fixator in Aug.  .  She will hopefully have it removed in November after the bone fills in .

Gemma  did very well with her blood transfusion .  She seems to be holding her own for 3 weeks before needing to be transfused again .  We tried pushing it to 4 weeks again but her hemoglobin dropped too low with the additional week .

Teresa's appointment at CHOP also went well .  All of the girls are going to come with us for her next appointment in Aug. so we can meet with the Child Life team . The girls will tour the hospital and see where Teresa will be recuperating and then they will discuss the process of transplant .  Child Life will answer any questions the girls may have .  Even though we have already talked to them about Teresa's new heart,  I think it will really help   to have it explained by the team .

This tuesday night we will be meeting with some wonderful  friends from our church and community . A  very caring member of our church  (MaryAnn), has organized  "Teresa's Team ". If you would like to be a part of "Teresa's Team "  or come to the meeting ,  send me an email and I will pass it along !  
Mary Ann has been a HUGE blessing to us !
Here is her email with all of the information .

Hello my Co-Travelers on our way to Heaven. We have just been Blessed with the opportunity to volunteer to be members of "Teresa's Team of Helpers"

I'm MaryAnn Manning and I'm establishing a Steering Committee to brain-storm ideas to assist the work of God in "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" with Teresa "Fang Fang" Bartlinski.

Please join us on July 24th at 07:00 PM in the meeting room downstairs in the Catonsville Library.
The total agenda of this meeting will be brain storming ideas of ways we can assist this family for the next 6 months and beyond according to God's plan.

Please reply to this e-mail as soon as possible. I'm currently in search of a small group of friends to design a plan of action to complete this Blessed opportunity.

Thank-You in advance, you are now Blessed as a member of "Teresa's Team of Helpers".
We want to thank you for your Prayers, Love and Support in Believing in Miracles with the love of God! 
MaryAnn Manning

Without the help of our church,  community and friends  we would not be able to make this journey to Teresa's new heart . This journey is VERY heavy  and much more than we could ever carry ourselves .  God continues to bless us with angels along the way to help us .  Saying  "Thank You " just doesn't seem like enough . I  love the way MaryAnn put it ... We are ALL Co-Travelers on our way to heaven .    How amazing is that !


  1. Just thought you'd like to know there's already another "Team Teresa" hard at work... One of the long-term residents at the nursing home where I work had been talking with me about adoption & special needs children some months ago, and I mentioned Teresa and how you were asking for prayers for her. This lady became very serious for a moment, then promised me that she would be sure to pray for her every day.

    In the intervening weeks, I actually forgot that I'd spoken with her about it... and then this afternoon (it was my turn to be weekend manager) she came into my office and out of the blue said, "How is Teresa doing? I'm still praying for her!" She was thrilled that things have progressed this far and promised to keep Teresa and the rest of the Bartlinski clan in her prayers every day.

    Hang in there... There's a lot of support out here that y'all may not be aware of! :-)

  2. Good morning Ann - great stuff here - and I agree completely that the more the kids know the better things will go!! Obviously we won't be present at the meeting however!!

    Were you at the Kings Island amusement park? Looking at the background in the last picture! If so - and your travels find you back there - give us a heads up and we'll meet you!! ;)

    hugs - prayers -

    aus and co.

  3. Thanks for the update will continue to hold you all up in prayer. So glad for the supporting community you have. It's SO important espercially with all on your plate. God Bless.
    The Carr Family
