Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I have never been so happy to see a year end ! We are praying 2012 will be much more peaceful .

We came home from CHOP late Friday night with Teresa. Grace had been sick for 2 days with uncontrollable diarrhea and severe cramps . By Saturday morning she was VERY sick. I called the Pediatrician and she recommended going right to the ER. She was severely dehydrated and tested positive for Salmonella poisoning . Unbelievable . We made it home late New Years Eve so tired we just went to bed . We just can't seem to get a break . We were in 3 different hospitals in one week . Today Grace was able to slowly start eating again without severe cramping .

Teresa is doing OK.. She is not back to her base line yet and still requires a lot of oxygen . But she is feeling much better . Tomorrow we are meeting with the school to ask for an aid to accompany her while in school . I am hoping this will be an easy process and they will not give us a hard time . We have a letter from her cardiologist requesting the service and also one from the pediatrician .

This Christmas seemed to come and go so fast . I felt like we were trying to catch it but never fully grasping it . We missed doing so many family traditions with the girls because of all the illnesses and trips to the hospital . We totally missed out on making cookies too.

We are praying Teresa will not get salmonella. Bleach and hand sanitizer have become my new best friends.

We will go back to CHOP on January 13th. , hoping Teresa will be able to resume her journey to a new heart .


  1. Ann - thanks for the update! Sorry to hear about some of the rest - but - glad to hear about how well you, the girls, and family are coping! As for 'missing Christmas' - we didn't have near the issues you did - and still seemed just not right - 2011 was a tough year all around!

    Prayers for continued progress - and hugs - aus and co.

  2. What a difficult year you've had. Here's hoping 2012 is a healthy, peaceful year for Teresa and all of you!

  3. Oh Ann, I'm praying right now for health in your home and peace in your heart.

    Dawn, Holly and family

  4. Ann, I love the verse behin Teresa in this photo. Sums her up perfectly!

  5. I can almost hear the exhaustion in your voice... All I can do is remind you that there are a LOT of people out here pulling for you all... I'm wishing the entire family a happy, HEALTHY, and sane new year!
