Friday, December 30, 2011

Good news and Bad News

The good news is ... we are coming home ! The bad news... the Doctors are not sure if she will reach the point to have a heart transplant because of this set back . Her pulmonary gradient has not improved and her pulmonary pressure is still extremely high . Her meds had to be decreased because of the side affects and this will slow down the process to a heart transplant . She also will be on oxygen continually and her base line has been lowered . She is not headed in the right direction but we hope with time she will be able to turn around .
I know the Doctors outlook is from a medical point of view and they are not very hopeful but our outlook has always been from Gods point of view and we are very hopeful that He will continue to sustain her and if it is His will ...have a miracle for complete healing !
Thank you all for the prayers !!!! We are going home !


  1. Praying and Believing for God's perfect complete and miraculous healing for Teresa! We know what an awesome testimony there is today and is left to be told in Teresa's and your family's life!

  2. Praying God the Creator would breath new life and strength into Teresa's lungs!!!

  3. praying so much this evening Ann for Teresa. Also wanted to let you know, I just watched your story on Fox...we are adopting #1 now and plan to go back for #2. 1 less.

  4. PRAYING for your baby girl!!!

    God moves mountains!

    Amy <><

  5. We are praying with confidence that nothing is impossible with God. It must feel good to be coming home.

  6. I will continue to pray for healing for Teresa!!!
    Kathie in NY!!!!

  7. Ann - as always - we will hold you, your family, and this darling daughter of your's in our hearts and prayers!

    Welcome home -

    and hugs - aus and co.

  8. I hope the no news here equals good news, as in nothing got worse, preferrably even better! I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and step by your blog at least daily! Happy New Year from Sweden!
