Friday, December 23, 2011


Christmas has definitely been a challenge for us this year. Teresa has been admitted to CHOP and Ed is home very sick with pneumonia.

Today Teresa had more testing done . She did very poorly on her stress test . She could only walk for one minute and her oxygen dropped to 40. We are waiting for the results
of her blood work to see how well her heart is functioning. She has started IV. meds to try and remove the fluid from her lungs .

Hoping for better news in the morning !


  1. Praying continually for that sweet girl.....and ALL your family!!!!

  2. Praying for Teresa and the rest of your family.

  3. Praying for all of you! I am praying that sweet Teresa will be able to enjoy another wonderful Christmas filled with love at home! Prayers for your hubby too!

  4. Will continue to pray and hold you all up in prayer. God bless and keep you all!!!

  5. Praying Ann, you have been on my heart. Hugs.

  6. Teresa and family--

    You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for another Christmas miracle for our Christmas angel, Teresa. We love you and pray for healing for your heart.

    Lynne, Ed, and Amelia MeiYun, age 5

  7. Ann- Storming the throne of grace for your sweet girl!! Prayers this Chirstmas
    praying, praying,praying---

  8. I am Praying that Teresa will be Healed! And, that she gets to be Home for Christmas. I posted about Teresa on my blog today, asking others to Pray for Teresa and your entire family. Love ~ Jo
