Saturday, December 24, 2011

CHOP update

Thank you ALL for praying for Teresa !

Her lungs are slowly improving . She still is requiring oxygen because any movement is causing her oxygen levels to drop into the 50 's. One blood test came back with not so great news . It showed further heart failure . We are praying she will be able to get back to her base line and energy level . Her Doctor would like to keep her a few more days but after explaining to him that tomorrow is her Birthday and she has only celebrated one Christmas at home with her family , he felt she was stable enough to go home this evening . If she shows any signs of struggling we will have to return .

Ed is feeling much better today after having several doses of antibiotics.

So grateful to be coming home for Christmas !!!!!


  1. Thank you for the update! We are keeping all of you in our prayers. Merry Christmas and happy birthday to Teresa!

  2. Hallelujah!!!!!! Thank you for letting us know. We will continue to pray!!!

  3. Wishing her a very happy birthday.

  4. Ann - glad that you guys are headed home - prayers for continued healing for all - and my you guys have a Merry Christmas!!

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. Continuing to pray. So thankful that you will be home, praying she improves enough to stay home. I only wish I was closer to help. Hugs.

  6. Praying for a great day for ALL of you, and for God's healing touch to strengthen and renew sweet little Teresa!

  7. Happy Birthday sweet little Teresa, keep fighting honey, we are all praying for a miracle for you.

  8. Ann,

    Praying for all of you:) I am happy she got to come home and celebrate her and her Savior's birthdays together.
    God Bless,
    Lee Ann

  9. Praying! W eare in Baja on a mission trip and God woke me up to pray for Teresa last night....praying for you all!
