Saturday, November 12, 2011

Back to normal ?

I think we are back in the swing of things again. It took a week to feel like we were back to our normal routines after coming home from the hospital twice in one week . The girls have had a lot of Doctors appointments over the past 2 weeks and it has kept me running back and forth to Hopkins several times each week . But all is good and we are very grateful for that.
Mary continues to heal wonderfully . Lucy had a little bit of the virus Gemma had but she has started different meds. for her lungs and she is feeling much better . Emilia will celebrate her 8th. Birthday on Monday . ( Yeah ) She will be getting her service dog(Mayzie) in January and is very excited. She is having more surgery on her legs in the spring and Mayzie will help her while she is in her wheel chair and with PT. Gemma goes back for her blood transfusion on Thursday and is feeling much better this week. Her school provided her with a speaking device that helps her to communicate better. She was so excited , the first thing she said in a complete sentence... "This is my talker it helps me to speak. I am happy . I like to eat. I want to go to restaurant and eat chocolate ". She even picked the voice she liked. It is absolutely amazing . She has sooo much she wants to say . Teresa has once again miraculously avoided the virus that Gemma had and then Lucy . God continues to protect her. We are going back to CHOP on Friday to start all her new meds.

As Christmas is quickly approaching , I am so "Thankful " we will have Teresa with us to Celebrate her second Christmas. Last year all her Doctors never thought she would get to this point of her lungs starting to respond to oxygen . In less than one year she could actually be listed for a heart transplant! We are praying her heart will stay strong and she will continue to avoid any viruses . She has very little reserve to fall back on .

Last night our wonderful friends , Vicki and D'Ann had a fundraiser to help us with Teresa's medical expenses. Our community , Family and Friends all came out to help . I had never experienced a Quarter Auction before. It was fast ,loud and A LOT of FUN !!! Thank you everyone ! We were very touched by everyones love and support.


  1. It's a crazy sort of "normal" for sure, but we are SO THRILLED everyone is doing so well!!!!
    The Carr Family

  2. It's so good to hear that everyone is doing so well. Love the photo of your girls' Halloween costumes!

  3. Thanks for the update Ann - glad to hear the good news for all!

    You and your family are extremely special to us - in our prayers daily - and on of the things that we're thankful for this year!

    hugs - aus and co.
