Sunday, October 30, 2011

What a Week !

I have to say , I am soooo glad last week is over !
Everyone is home from the hospital and feeling great. Gemma has returned to school, Mary had all her bandages changed and we had a glimpse of her new nose . She couldn't wait to see it, although it is still very swollen , she loves it !
Gemma had her blood transfusion while she was in the hospital , so she is good to go for another 3 weeks.
Teresa has miraculously managed to avoid the pneumonia that Gemma had. How , I do not know being that they share EVERYTHING and are inseparable.

Thank you to Casey Cares foundation , the girls enjoyed a Princess Tea Party at the Ronald McDonald House with Princess Tiana and tickets to Disney on Ice !

Teresa has yet to start all of her new meds. because her new Doctor (the one in charge of Pulmonary Hypertension at CHOP , who by the way we LOVE) , decided to take a 2 week vacation . I hope he comes back very rested and ready to go because we are very anxious to have her listed for a heart transplant. I never thought this would be a reality for her . Although I have always had complete faith that God would work miracles in her life ( and already has) , it is now a bit surreal. We return to CHOP on November 18th. and I have this fear they will say "we made a mistake, she is still inoperable.No Heart transplant."

Thank you to everyone who helped to pray for the girls this past week ,as always it never goes unappreciated ! So grateful to you all!


  1. Praise God !!!!!! I have been looking daily for an update and it could not have been better :):)

    God Bless,
    Lee Ann

  2. Thank you for the update! So glad to hear everyone is doing so well.

  3. Glad that everyone is on the mend - and while I know your fear - I'm confident you will get good news! And glad that at least the sister's didn't share the bug (sometimes it's good, right, and proper NOT to share!!)

    hugs - continued prayers - aus and co.

  4. YAY!!! Glad to hear things are going well. Enjoy the respite. : )

  5. I always cry when I come here. God is good! Heart transplant...I am just so happy for all of you.

  6. Wishing you every success in your fundraiser tomorrow! Praying for generous hearts and many blessings!
