Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wishing, Hoping and Praying

Thank you everyone for your encouragement, love, support and most importantly your prayers. We truly could not handle this journey with out it. And Robin , Thank you for helping me to remember , no prognosis can override Gods plans !

Teresa has packed her favorite princess sparkly slippers to take with her Friday to Philadelphia. Friday morning at 10 am. she will have her heart cath. . The doctors have all said it would take a miracle for her pulmonary pressure to be lowered. Last year , her heart cath. was very dismal. The results left no hope for a future. We are praying for no complications ( she could have a heart attack or stroke during the procedure)and for the surgeons hands to be guided by God. We are praying for her pulmonary pressure to be lowered, her severe tricuspid regurgitation to be healed and for her lungs to respond to oxygen .
She will spend one night in the ICU and hopefully we will be home by Saturday night with great news !


  1. I read in a book this week:
    "Hope is to prayer what a wick is to a firecracker!"
    We are praying with HOPE for good news!!!!!

    Teresa remains in all of our prayers!

  2. Praying for you and for your sweet little girl!

    Praying that soon you will post good news- nothing short of a miracle! Nothing is impossible for HIM!

  3. Ann - as always - holding you guys in our hearts and prayers. And I'd just observe - it's been a good long while since the last heart cath - making me wonder if the doctors were so dismal - well, we'll just pray for the surprise!

    hugs and prayers - aus and co.

  4. Praying for healing for Teresa.
    No matter what the doctors say, God always has the last word. Praying He will continue to heal Teresa.

  5. Praying constantly for you and your family! Please let me know if there is anything I can do!! If you will be alone in Philly...I could come sit with you? Please let me know...anything!!

    Much love...and praying for God's miracle for your beautiful girl!!

    The Dinello Family

  6. Praying hard here!!!!! Oh praying for you all so much!

  7. Continuing to pray and believe!!

  8. Dear Ann,

    Praying for your miracle. Jesus is the Divine Healer, so He can heal anyone. We are praying daily for Teresa's and Gemma's healing. Anything is possible for those who believe.

    God bless all of you,
    Lee Ann and family

  9. My favorite verse: Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

    I'm praying so hard for Teresa and your family! I trust in God and know he has the right plan for you all!

    God bless you!

  10. Your family is always in my prayers.

  11. Praying for sweet Teresa and all of you. Regardless of what happens with the doctors, she IS a miracle!

  12. Praying for this little angel.


  13. Standing with you and praying for a miracle of healing for beautiful Teresa... May the surgeon's hands be gentle and precise, may the news be good, may you be surrounded with love and strength. Sending hugs from Portland, Oregon--

    DD Amelia MeiYun, age 5

  14. I've been a lurking blog reader for a bit but wanted you to know that our family prayers have and will continue to include your family.
    Praying for Teresa tomorrow.

    God's Blessings,

    Judy S.

  15. Continuing to pray for Teresa this morning and hoping that you can share some good news with us soon.


  16. You're always on my mind, in my heart, in my prayers...


  17. Just wanted to know I have been praying today! I hope the Lord has granted a miracle for Teresa's heart!!
