Saturday, October 8, 2011

Miracle in progress

Miracle- derived from the old Latin word miraculum meaning "something wonderful", is a striking interposition of divine intervention by a supernatural being in the universe by which the ordinary course and operation of nature is overruled, suspended, or modified.

Teresa's diagnosis- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome variant with mitral atresia, large muscular ventricular septal defects, dysplastic tricuspid valve , significant pulmonary vasculature disease, eisinmengers and moderate failure to thrive.

What we have heard from The Doctors for over the past year -"We discussed with the parents that Teresa has severe pulmonary vascular disease in association with complex single ventricle heart disease and most likely this will not be reversible". We continue to believe she is not a candidate for a Fontan .Transplantation could be considered but it would have to be for a heart/lung transplant for which outcomes are not ideal. " Revatio seems to have helped minimally , although we continue to not want to offer any false hope to the family ". "Maintain wellness for as long as possible". "She did not receive medical care soon enough ". "Too late ", "Her reserve is too low", "No hope", "Inoperable" , "Non reactive to oxygen or nitric oxide".

After over a year of NO HOPE , today, WE HAVE HOPE !!!
Is this a miracle ? To us ,YES !

Her Cath. showed that her lungs were now responsive to oxygen and nitric oxide. One year ago they were not . For the first time EVER we heard ... "We have good news". What? Did you hear that right ? Did you hear what he just said ? Ed and I looked at each other in disbelief. How could this be after so much bad news with no hope? The heart Cath . Doctor came out after the procedure and said " There is good news, her numbers have all improved" . Ed and I were a little confused , not sure what to make of it . As Teresa was recovering , her Cardiologist came to speak with us . He said we have great news , we now can start to discuss options. Ed and I became even more confused . What options ? We have NEVER had options. Dr. R. said he was going to have us meet with the head of the transplant team who was "The Specialist " for pulmonary hypertension . Because her lungs showed signs of being reactive to oxygen and nitric oxide there is hope that with more intense medical treatment, within A YEAR she could be listed for a heart transplant . Yes, a heart transplant , not heart/lung transplant just HEART! The survival rate for just a Heart transplant is great.

Today before leaving the hospital we met Dr. Hanna, Director of Pulmonary Hypertension. He was phenomenal. He offered so much hope . He feels that with an increase in her medicines , adding several different medicines, the use of night time oxygen ,getting her to increase her weight and keeping her away from ALL viruses , her lungs will be able to tolerate a heart transplant. The next year will require a lot of visits back and forth to CHOP to monitor the effects the medicines are having . There are a lot of side effects associated with the new meds. and she will have to be monitored closely for potentially dangerous effects.

Ed and I are feeling a little overwhelmed with everything right now. We have prayed so hard for a year for a miracle for Teresa's lungs to be healed so she could receive a transplant . WE are giving all glory and honor to GOD for this miracle. We are so grateful to EVERYONE for praying along with us for Teresa's miracle. So many people from all over the WORLD have prayed for her. She has touched so many lives and in turn you have ALL touched her life .

God has moved so many mountains already in Teresa's life . Our family is now faced with so many more mountains that need to be moved for the transplant to take place. We are praying our insurance will cover the transplant and all of the continued medical care . We are also praying for help with the girls while I am in the hospital in Philly for weeks , possibly months with Teresa. We would need a full time nanny , one that is capable of taking Gemma for her blood transfusions and daily infusions. Financially this is a huge mountain . I know GOD would not heal Teresa's lungs and not provide a way to help us with the care of all of the girls.

We are in awe at Gods love and mercy for Teresa and the power of prayer.
Thank you so much to everyone for helping us on this amazing journey of Teresa's life.


  1. Oh, Ann. What fantastic news! We are continuing to pray for Teresa's miracle! How great is our God!

  2. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow...and miracles too!!!!!

  3. Wow!!! that is amazing news:-) Thank you God! But so much for you guys to process too! will be praying for the logistics and finances. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would be more than happy to contribute to help out:-)

  4. Unbelievable, but then again we serve a God who specializes in unbelievable. Beautiful news.

  5. I'm so happy to hear this and praising God with you tonight!! I will continue to pray for Teresa.

  6. TEARS!!! What an awesome God we serve! He still moves mountains!
    God bless you all. We'll keep praying!

  7. Praise God!! Will continue to pray that God will give her the new heart and lungs she needs so as not to have to endure a transplant.
    Am SO glad to hear you all got good news,and will continue to believe that our God is Mighty to Save.

  8. This is stunning, WONDERFUL news! Brimming over with happiness for you all! Thanks for allowing us to share in your joy. Will keep praying.

  9. OH! You left me in a puddle of tears! So amazed! Continuing to pray and know God will provide too! Love you guys!

  10. Oh what blessed HOPE!!!!
    I am so thankful to hear that her lungs have IMPROVED!!!!!!!
    We'll keep on praying for you all over the next weeks and months as we all get to witness God work and move those mountains!!!!!

  11. WOW,WOW,WOW!!! I'm in tears over here!! Praise God!! That is the best news!! So happy for all of you and we will continue prayers for healing for your entire family. Wow, wow, wow!! We serve an awesome God!

  12. Our God is an awesome God! We are still praying..this time in thanksgiving for His love and faithfulness as well as for His continued blessings.

    Alicia McDuffie

  13. PRAISE GOD indeed!!!!!! I will continue to pray for her and all of you!!!!!!

  14. That is the most amazing news! I will keep praying! Amen!!!!!!

  15. Praise God! It is the miracle that we have all been praying for. I am so excited for you and thankful that I can't contain it.

    "We praise you, Lord, for all your glorious power!" Ps 21:18

  16. Praise God! I check in from time to time to see how your precious girl is. What awesome news!

  17. I've been lurking here forever but now had to post. I was so scared to read what you would report after the heart cath and oh my goodness what incredible news! As we say, "Baruch Hashem" (Thank G-d)

  18. Praise God! Your precious family has been in my prayers this past year and I was literally in tears when I read that your sweet little girl had hope! I will continue praying for God continue with this miracle.

    <3 Jessica

  19. Tears in my eyes--so happy for your family and for Teresa... One step at a time--just follow your intuition on how best to serve Teresa in terms of her treatment and finances will follow. Hugs for your little ray of sunshine as she rests from the surgery and as you continue on this road toward a NEW HEART!!! Joyous news!


    Lynne, Ed, and Amelia MeiYun
    Portland, OR

  20. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is making me cry big fat happy tears!!! Oh praise God!!!!!!!!!!! Pleas let me help...anything I can do to get the word out. I have no doubt this community will jump in and help you out financially....oh seriously happy dance here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shannon

  21. So so so happy for you and your family. I have been following your story from the beginning and praying for God to give Theresa a chance. He has indeed heard everyones prayers and has given a miracle. God will see you through you just have to keep believing!!!

  22. All glory and honor go to God who is the author of this miracle. Miracles do happen every day, and there is always Hope for those who Believe!!!!!!!!!

    This has made my year :):)

    God Bless and many prayers coming your way,

    Lee Ann

  23. I can't wait to tell my kids about this miracle!!! They pray for Teresa right along with me and I am SO THRILLED that God has answered in such an amazing way!! WOOHOO!! :) Continuing to pray...and to pray she stays away from viruses.

  24. What awesome news!!! God is SO good!!!

  25. Praise God, Ann!!!!!!! We are praying hard for your precious child!!!

  26. Great news - woohoo!

  27. HOORAH - God DOES, in fact, provide to His Faithful....Great joy here Ann and family - great joy!

    hugs - continued prayers -

    aus and co.

  28. I love you Teresa!!! You are a miracle and god will keep you in his arms! We love you and will keep praying! AMEN

    cudabacks (iowa)

  29. Lord, we praise You alone! And Teresa, my heart just swells with JOY at this miraculous news. I have chills all over as I type!


  30. Should have edited:

    "And for Teresa, my heart just swells .."

    Just WOW God!!!

  31. I've followed your blog since you brought Teresa home. I've prayed for her and for your whole family. As a mother of a heart patient, I'm in tears at this report! Our God is awesome! Praise God!

  32. WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to Go God!!!!!!!!!! I knew You had a miracle for Teresa no matter what the doctors said and now You have chosen to reveal it for all to see! There is not enough words in the world to express my love and gratitude for continuing to heal Teresa and giving her family the hope they so desperately needed to hear! Thank you Almighty God! Your love for Your children is greater than words can express.

    So happy for your family Ann!

  33. Best news of the year! We will continue to pray for all those things you mentioned in your post. There will be a way if God is in charge....AND he is.

  34. Yes yes yes yes yes!


    Baruch Hashem... El na refa na la.


  35. I am so excited reading your post today. We came across your blog by chance & have been praying for sweet Teresa ever since. I am praising God for what He is moving & showing through each of you! God bless you & I know He will provide!

    Jo Gooden

  36. Yippeee!!! Wow! and another big Yippeee!!!

    A true Modern day miracle!

    Many prayers of Thanksgiving and continued success.

  37. Ann & Family! So sorry that I am late to read this glorious news! Praise the Lord! We have been praying for Teresa here in China and we're so excited to continue to watch the miracles unfold! He will never lead us where his love will not sustain us! I love it when He shows off!

  38. I'm somewhat of a lurker...sorry about that...but I just wanted to celebrate with you! GLORY TO GOD! Glory, glory, glory! He is able!
    Amazing, blessed news!!!
