Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Year Anniversary

Last week we celebrated Teresa's one year Anniversary !!!!!
Oh what a year it has been . We have experienced wonderful highs, days filled with hope, laughter and sweet hugs and kisses , to extreme lows, days where all hope felt lost .
In one year Teresa's personality has blossomed. She has a sparkling personality with so much energy and love for life. She is the funniest little "Princess" , always playing pretend with Gemma. ( the two of them are inseparable. Each night as they say good night to each other you would think they were leaving each other forever . Hugs ,kisses , " I love you , no I love you more...").

When someone asks her if those are her sisters, she puts her hand on her hip and says "Oh , that is my family " She loves her family ! We are so blessed with her.

Her health ... she continues to hold on .Thank you to everyone for continuing to pray ! We definitely can feel the prayers . Teresa continues to amaze me how she misses all the viruses that come her way . Lucy has had quite a few and Teresa managed to stay virus free ! Definitely a miracle . Teresa is scheduled to return to CHOP in September for another heart cath.. We are praying for a miracle . We are really starting to notice the look of despair on the Doctors faces as we return each visit. The look of hope or optimism is slipping away .

Watching life through Teresa's eyes for the past year has been a gift that at times was very difficult to understand. I still struggle with why... but I pray GOD will open our eyes to the meaning of it all and bless us with Teresa for many more years.


  1. Wow - a year - wow....Ann - as always we keep you guys near our hearts and prayers!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. A whole year with Teresa! Congratulations. What an amazing addition she has been to your family.

  3. Happy one year! I'm continuing to pray for a miracle.

  4. Happy one year! Thank you for letting us experience the blessing of this little girl through your blog. Covering each and every one of you in prayer.

  5. Happy Family Day! I've been following your blog for just a little bit and have fallen for all you!
    Prayers daily for Teresa and the rest of you for strength, hope, happiness and healing.
