Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fishing Fun

Gemma LOVED the worms !

Fishing fun!!!

Lucy caught a FISH!!!
She was a little unsure of it at first ...and then VERY proud !!!

Teresa caught a fish too!
"It was this big "


  1. Hi Ann,

    Love the pictures and the "fish stories" . The new song is one of my daughters' favorites ! It is just filled with hope and such a positive uplifting message. It is so fitting of the girls :)

    God Bless,
    Lee Ann

  2. I love that Gemma is wearing a crown while fishing. That girl knows her fashion.

  3. Great stuff - kids and fishing - anybody make a 'pet' of one of the worms? Our kids used to!~!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. What fun! Love all the photos. What a beautiful day for your family.

  5. Looks like everyone had fun!! Malia went fishing once and caught a little fish. Its all she talked about for weeks, lol.

  6. I just love your family!!!

    Congratulations girls on the "big catch"!!

  7. Fishing was my favorite past time with my father when I was little. I miss him and wish we could fish some more...What fun memories this will be for everyone.

  8. Hope you are all well. I've been thinking even more than usual about Teresa...
    God bless your family and that sweet little girl.

  9. Stopping by to tell you that you're ALL in my thoughts and Prayers. I hope that this 11 day break is because you are all healthy and enjoying the dog days of Summer! Give the girls a hug for me!
    God Bless You, each and everyone! With love ~ Jo
