Tuesday, January 25, 2011

School ?

We have been debating whether or not to send Teresa to pre school next year . we have been advised both ways , one Doctor said "Let her experience everything and don't keep her in a bubble " another said " I would advise against exposing her to all of the germs that are in pre school class rooms. " She watches every day as her sisters go to school and often asks " When can I go to school ?"

Pre school registration for September is taking place now so we have to make a decision soon . I don't want to expose her to viruses unnecessarily but at the same time I want her to experience the same things other children do .

So today we went and visited a pre school class . She was so excited that's all she talked about all day . "Her school" was so much fun . She couldn't wait to get home to tell Gemma all about it . Seeing how excited she was made the decision so much easier . Now the hard part is having her wait 8 months for it to start . As we drove to school this afternoon to pick up the girls she started yelling "There's my school , there's my school. Can i go again ?"

Lucy - I think I spoke too soon on Saturday about Lucy and how she was doing from her surgery . Saturday night she started having severe bladder pain and the pain was radiating to her kidney , she then started vomiting . After speaking to her Doctor he wanted her brought to the ER to make sure she did not have an infection or blocked ureter . After many tests it was discovered that the surgery had caused severe swelling in her bladder and kidney and this was the cause of the pain . So they increased her pain meds. and antibiotics and we are keeping a close watch on her .

Gemma- still no results from her ferrascan . But poor Gemmma has another infection . She started on Saturday night with a very high fever . She is also coughing terribly . I took her to the doctor today and she has pneumonia and a ear infection . She is scheduled for her blood transfusion next Wed. .The last time she was this sick her Hemoglobin dropped one point every day . Infections and fevers really make it drop fast . So we are keeping a close eye on her levels .

Teresa - was so happy today going to school . She loves to experience new things and this was so much fun for her . Unfortunately she must have sneezed over 100 times today and her nose has started to run . We are praying that she is not getting sick or catching Gemma's virus .

Thank you for keeping her in your prayers !


  1. We are keeping you all in our prayers. Thank you so much for sharing an update on your family.

  2. I am praying for Teresa and your family every time you cross my mind. It's a hard call on whether or not to let her go to school! I'm thankful you have 8 months to decide. Bless you!

  3. Always praying for your sweet family!

  4. Your daughter is so much like my daughter, Lorelei. We tried her out in school and she just couldn't handle it. If you want to talk, let me know. My email is bankie79@hotmail.com. In fact, our daughters are so similar that I was one of the heavy advocators for her. ;) Many heart hugs to Teresa.

