Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lucy' Surgery

Yesterday Lucy did very well with her surgery to repair her ureter in her bladder/kidney . She had a non invasive procedure done using deflux which helps to relocate the ureter to the right position and stop the reflux. She was born with a solitary kidney which had a grade 5 reflux ( the worst kind ) from the bladder leading into the kidney . Over the past 3 years it has improved to a grade 3 reflux .( this is still not good but better than before) . In One month she will have more renal testing done to see if there was any improvement , if not she will then have the more invasive surgery to reposition the ureter.

Gemma had her ferrascan last Tuesday and did great . We will have those results on Wednesday . We are really hoping her iron levels have dropped and she does not have any more damage to her liver .

We had a new button made for the blog for Teresa. It is on the right side . If you would like to post it and help spread the word of Teresa's miracle , we would be very grateful ! Thank You


  1. So glad it is over and she did so well! I will certainly get your button!

  2. Wonderfull news! Thanks for the update!

  3. Great stuff - prayers DO get answered!

    hugs - aus and co.
