Saturday, November 13, 2010

4 Months

Teresa had a pretty good week. Her cold is slowly going away and she isn't requiring oxygen as much .

Gemma did really well last month with her blood transfusion . Her levels were low but still within the limits the Doctors felt were OK. She is going 4 weeks again this month so hopefully she will have another good month. She is still facing problems with her ferritin levels being way too high . Her medicine was increased but the side effects ( severe diarrhea) was just too much for her. She couldn't go to school it was so bad. Hopefully the Doctors will have a solution when we go again this week for her next transfusion.

Emilia is scheduled for surgery on November 30 to remove the external fixator on her leg. She has had this on for 8 months and her leg has been totally transformed. She will soon be getting her service dog "Mayzie" who will help her when she is in her wheel chair. Mayzie also has been trained to help her with physical therapy , bracing for support, retrieving objects, companionship and most of all best friend.
Paws 4 People is a great organization that trains the service dogs in prisons by inmates. We will go to the prison in PA shortly for Mayzies graduation and then she will slowly be acclimated into our family .

Lucy was scheduled for surgery Friday on her kidney but had to be canceled because it was scheduled in the outpatient center instead of the general OR. With her asthma and difficult airway she can only have surgery in the OR. This little circumstance was somehow overlooked ... I am so glad that I caught it . She is now scheduled for January .

Next Saturday is National Adoption Day and we will finalize Gemma and Teresa's adoption . There will be a special ceremony in the old court house followed by lunch and celebration . We finalized Mary, Lucy and Emilia's adoption on this day in the past 5 years . It has been such a special day every year .

Life continues to move right along with every week being so so busy . I really Cherish the days when we have no Doctors Appointments, surgeries or illnesses. We are able to just BE... to really appreciate each other and how GOD has brought us together to be a family and never to take for granted how special this is.
147 MILLION orphans are still waiting for their families.


  1. I am so glad everyone seems to be doing well!

  2. I have to say, my puppy (a guiding eyes release dog) was raised in puppies behind bars, and he is the best dog I could ever ask for! We got letters from the inmate who raised him and it was so nice to know who was responsible for loving and caring for Striker before he came to us.

  3. Thankful for good news. will continue to hold your whole family up in prayer. God bless.
    The Carr's

  4. I am happy that Teresa is doing well but sorry about Gemma. We will pray for her also. God has so blessed your family with these beautiful children.

    God Bless all of you,
    Lee Ann

  5. So glad that everyone is doing well - you have no idea what joy that brings to me!

    hugs to all -

    aus and co.

  6. Its good to see everyone is doing well!
