Monday, November 15, 2010

Faces of Orphans

November is Adoption Awareness Month . These are the faces of some of the children we have met over the past year in China. Each one has a name, face and their own story . Only 3 have been adopted. The rest still wait for their own family !


  1. Oh My! The third photo down is "Mandy" waiting with BAAS. Hopefully someone will see her here and look into adopting her.

    Thank you for highlighting these sweet children.

  2. I've been advocating for "Mandy" and would love to know more about her---since you met her. Do you have other photos or insights into her personality? I would love to hear from you so we can spread that word about her---and her family can find her.

    eightenough at rocketmail dot com

  3. Can you tell me where the little boy crawling on the colored squares is from? Thanks so much!

  4. So many precious kids! Loved getting a glimpse of Bill and Lynsay in the background of one of them. :) Praying that families will come forward for so many of these precious treasures.
