Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today Gemma had her blood transfusion . This was the second time she went 4 weeks so we were hoping her blood levels would be as good as last month . Unfortunately her hemoglobin dropped too low and her retic count and NRBC were too high along with her ferritin levels still remaining dangerously high. So the plan is to go back to transfusions every 3 weeks . To remove the ferritin levels her next option is to start daily subcutaneous medicine for 12 hours every night or 2 days in the hospital on IV medicine to remove the ferritin . In the hospital she would also be able to receive her blood transfusion at the same time . The Doctors will let us know next week the best choice for her . Besides from being tired and moody this past week she has been doing really well . She is loving Pre K and riding the school bus to school every day .


  1. Dear Ann,

    We pray for Gemma daily, along with Teresa. I was reading up on that H. Water, and it actually is suppose to be drank by the ill. JUst FYI.

    I love that other girl with Teresa. I remember she also has CHD. Does she have a family yet?

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  2. What beautiful shots of little Gemma! She's a cutie!

  3. Awe, Gemma must be a real trooper. She is so adorable and I love the pictures of her and Teresa.

  4. Thank you for keeping us updated and allowing us to pray for your beautiful children. Praying that God heals these baby girls!

  5. Beautiful girls - and we'll keep you guys in our hearts and prayers!

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. Ann, such amazing photos of the girls! Gemma is adorable. So happy she's loving JK, the buss ride IS the best (-:
