Sunday, October 24, 2010


Teresa's light is shining bright!
It was diminished for a while but is back on full force. She is feeling much better. Thank you everyone for praying for her !

She had another good night and today she is feeling much better. Her oxygen is still low but she is regaining her strength slowly. As long as she is in bed and resting her oxygen levels are good ( well not great but good for her, 77). She was aloud out of bed for a few minutes in the wagon but her oxygen level dropped to 55(yikes) even while on oxygen. She appeared as if she was going to pass out so she had to return to bed and rest. She was not happy about this because she was ready to play .

The Doctors would like her level to stay between 75-85, with 85 being optimal. We will be home as soon as home health care is set up and our insurance OKs coverage of her med. This hopefully will be Monday or Tuesday. Keeping her resting and not trying to keep up with her sisters is going to be difficult.

The common cold is what caused all of this trouble in her little body . I am a little nervous what the flu or any thing else might do to her.

Petrie- yes it is OK to post about Teresa and ask for prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I posted the other day on FB and many of Morning Star's friends and family have been praying! Love you guys, so glad she is feeling better!
