Saturday, October 23, 2010


Last night was better. She slept through the night with only a few desaturations below 60. Teresa is still on a high flow of oxygen and does not have the energy to move around too much . Just getting up to use the bed pan makes her levels drop below 60. She is eating a little and is drinking pretty well. From Wed. to Thursday she gained almost 2 pounds in fluid. Tonight when she was weighed she was back to her normal weight . She is improving very slowly but at this point any improvement is great news . I'll take it. We are hoping she will be able to return to her baseline before she became sick and that her tricuspid valve does not continue to leak so badly .
The plan now is to get her oxygen above 75, have her lungs free of fluid , tricuspid valve to stop leaking soooo much and to start her on the new medicine to help her breath better and not to be so blue. When this happens she can come home on oxygen and a monitor.

The Doctors are hopeful the medicine will lower her pulmonary pressure maybe just a little . The one Doctor kept saying he didn't want us to have false hope because it might not work . I told him that he did not know Teresa , she is surrounded by so many miracles already , that we were VERY optimistic in this medicine completely lowering her pulmonary pressure back to normal and then to be able to receive the heart transplant. He looked at me like ...well OK , i don't really care what it was he was thinking of this plan because I know God is capable of this plan and so is Teresa. She is a survivor, fighter and a perfect little angel with such a will to live .


  1. Praying for her. You are so right, the miracles that the doctors are a part of are only happening because of God. Don't loose sight of His mountain moving power.

  2. I heard a line in the movie "Faith Like Potatoes" today where Angus Buchan states, " The condition for a Great Miracle is impossibility." What is impossible for us is an opportunity for our God to do His GREAT Miracles on His Creation. May God continue to Bless you and your family and bring health, joy, and peace to each of you! AMEN!


  3. We have faith that Teresa will be home soon. You are all in our prayers.

  4. Amen...if anyone can survive would be Teresa and her mother's positive attitude and belief in miracles. :) She is one AMAZING little girl!

    Love and blessings,

  5. Amen again! I have been out of town but have been praying and will continue to. Praying for clear lungs and perfect heartbeats and that it would be undeniable to all around that the Lord is doing mighty things in and through Teresa!
    Blessings on you all tonight,

  6. AMEN Ann! And don't let them tell you different! That girl has the POWER of God behind her!

  7. praying for all of you, for strength and inner peace and for God's healing hand to bless Teresa!

  8. This is the miracle we are all praying for. Teresa is such a little fighter. God CAN do when everyone else says no. Continuously keeping her in prayer.

  9. You guys are in our prayers. ((HUGS)) from Florida.

  10. Absolutely Ann!!! You just keep telling them that! Teresa is a fighter and is surrounded by lots of prayer. We will continue to pray for her and your family!!

  11. Will keep praying! We were told our 6 year old from China was NOT a candidate for OHS after her heart cath, due to high pressures. We prayed and everyone prayed and finally this past Thursday we got to meet with a surgeon who feels like she is a candidate for surgery. I firmly believe in the power of prayer. Praying that you guys will be able to stay strong and Teresa will keep fighting.

  12. Praying for you and your sweet little Teresa.
    May God move mountains on her behalf!

  13. Prayed for Teresa this morning in Sunday school. Glad to hear she's doing a little better. May I share your blog address on my FB page? I'm very private, so I understand if you don't want it shared, but would love to have other Christian friends lifting Teresa before the throne. I will wait to hear a response from you before I post it.
