Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cautious Optimism

Saturday we had a beautiful fall day at the Apple Festival in Biglersville Pa.. We had delicious apple pie, apple ice cream ,apple pizza, apple sauce , caramel apples,baked apples...
Teresa and Gemma had a wonderful time experiencing a hay ride and making a scare crow for the first time.
We always have such a nice time at this festival . We starting going to it years ago when the boys were little and now it has become an annual event we share in with the girls too.

Today Teresa had an appointment at Hopkins for an abdominal ultra sound . Her Doctor wanted to make sure she had all of her internal organs. Everything looked good except for her liver , it was VERY enlarged.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me information on Hospitals that might offer hope for Teresa's Heart.

We have emailed several Hospitals Teresa's medical information . On Monday October 18 we will head up to Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), to have a second opinion . CHOP has a Doctor that specializes in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. After speaking with their support team , we are cautiously optimistic about receiving some kind of good news. We are hoping they will tell us something other than "Take her home ...nothing can be done"

We are waiting to hear back from Boston and the Mayo Clinic.

Life is starting to get back into some sort of normalcy . We still have our good days and not so good days but the bad days are getting easier ...I think.


  1. That sounds hopeful, Ann. We'll keep praying! What fun photos of your trip to Biglerville!

  2. Thoughts are with you as you journey out for your Daughter's heart! We are going to CHOP on 10/19, we visit monthly in orthopedic dept! They are wonderful there! We are going to the apple FEST on sat...so funny, you don't sound so far away! IF you need anything just let me know!

  3. Oh Ann!! I pray that you will get good news! Our children and I pray for your sweet girl every night!!

  4. Thankyou that in the midst of busy family life you update on Teresa! We will keep her in our prayers.

  5. I know someone at CHOP right now who's daughter was born a few days ago with this very heart problem. She says that they are wonderful there and very optimistic about her daughter's prognosis.

  6. Great stuff in this post Ann - our family has three 'fall things' that we like to do - one this weekend is the Rennesance Festival, then next weekend is Chusok (yeah - a little late!) on Saturday and the Pumpkin Festival (our version of your Apple Festival I'm thinking) on Sunday.

    We'll keep you guys in our prayers (as always) and hope for nothing but the best from CHOP!

    hugs - aus and co.

  7. Praying Teresa will get some news that will fill everyone with hope.

  8. Please email me again as I seem to have lost your email. (It's Lorraine, Chrissie's mom.) Dr. Porisch would be happy to review Teresa's records. You can email them to me and I'll pass them on to her, if you're comfortable with that. Lorraine@ForgottenSawRanch.com.

  9. Okay, so I'm freaking out right now. I've been following little Teresa's story for a long while now. I even featured her pic on my blog back when her agency gave permission for folks to post about her need and advocating for her....

    But I look today at your post and I see "Biglerville." I mean, who knows Biglerville? Only those of us blessed enough to be from there. We lived in Mechanicsburg for 16 years and love the apples from Biglerville :) And the restaurants in Gettysburg, and the battlefields, and so on . . .

    THEN, I see the Terranettis truck. I kid you NOT. I used to throw my older two boys in their wagon and WALK down the street from our first little home to the TERRANETTIS store and bakery where they make all that scrumptious bread. We'd stock up on their Italian sliced bread, hoagie rolls, and more. And then walk back home. The old brown and yellow truck warms my heart with happy memories.

    What a small world.

    You will be very happy with CHOP. They ARE the best in the nation for so many areas. They are kind and loving. And they are COMMITTED to the whole child, not just the diagnosis. I think you will love them.

    I do. They care for my Li'l Empress and all her sibs. Oh, and they pay our mortgage too. In the interest of full disclosure! :)
