Friday, October 8, 2010

Before and After

These are photos of Emilia's legs before surgery and after. Three years ago when we adopted her she could not walk , her one leg was bent backwards and her other leg was missing most of the bones . She had osteomyelitis in the orphanage and it spread quickly to her legs and arms. Both of her legs and one arm have been completely rebuilt. She can now stand and walk however her one leg does not bend (because it is fused and the other has limited mobility) . She always has a smile on her face and her only request was to be able to ride a bike. On November 30 th. she will have the fixator removed from her leg. She still requires several more operations on her legs and arms as she grows but look how far she has come. She is our bionic little girl with one amazing personality . She doesn't let anything stop her.


  1. What an amazing spirit she has! Beautiful!

  2. Wow, I am in awe! What a transformation. She is growing up to be such a beautiful girl.

  3. WOW! What an amazing thing to witness, and what an AMAZING girl she is! Nothing short of incredible :) Such a beauty too!!!

  4. Wow. Ann, these are incredible photos. And she has such a beautiful smile!

  5. Holy cow! That is simply amazing! She is so beautiful and amazing. What a wonderful spirit, you can see it shining through her smile.


  6. This just makes my heart sing! What a difference! And look at that smile, no matter what her circumstance. You must have an amazingly loving and nurturing family.

  7. Amazing...just amazing. Love her can-do attitude!

  8. She's a winner - I hope that she knows that! She's got that drive that just simply astounds folks like me!

    And I got to wonder - maybe that has something to do with her mom and dad? Just sayin'....

    hugs - aus and co.

  9. What a strong, beautiful little girl! That was an amazing transformation. We are so blessed to live in this country.

    Love and blessings,

  10. I stumbled upon your blog and was thrilled to see such amazing before and after pictures of your beautiful daughter. My husband and I are in the process to adopt a second child from China. We adopted our daughter three years ago when she was four years old through the waiting child program and our son who is waiting for us in China is four years old now too. He has clubfeet and fibular hemimelia (missing fibula). I am doing research on treatment options around the U.S. and I am curious where your daughter went for treatment? Seeing her pictures gave me hope that maybe our son's feet and leg can be fixed that well.
