Friday, September 10, 2010

Thank you

Thank you ! For all the kind words and encouragement for our family . I am deeply touched by your support. I am not sure how to respond to the comment section of our blog ( I am sure my son will be able to tell me ) but I wanted to let everyone know how much your comments seem to come at just the right time , when we are having a bad day .

Yes , I know our miracle has already happened. Just having Teresa in our family and here with us . She is so happy .

I thought I would post Teresa's Heart condition for those who may not know and also in case anyone might hear of a Hospital anywhere that might offer some hope.

Left Hypoplastic Heart syndrome
She had pulmonary banding done in China ,but done too late and her pulmonary pressure is EXTREMELY HIGH , and her lungs are very damaged. Her oxygen level hangs around 70 when she is not playing and dips to the low 60's when running around. She can not have oxygen because this would defeat the whole purpose of the pulmonary band . The doctor said it would only be given when she dips below 60.
Mitral atresia
Double outlet right ventricle
Ventricular septal defect
Atrial septal defect
Severe tricuspid regurgitation

Saying " Thank you " doesn't seem like enough but I can not tell you how much we appreciate all of your prayers for Teresa.


  1. You do not need to thank! That sweet smile on Teresa's face is thanks enough! You have given her a family, a loving, nuturing family and God's blessing is clear!

  2. I thanks are necessary. It is a pleasure and an honor to pray for your precious family!

  3. Before Theresa was matched with your amazing family, I had been helping Half the Sky look into a medical visa for her. One doctor here at our well known local hospital was willing to see her and operate on her after viewing her medical file, so I have emailed him again now with the diagnoses you listed above to see if he still thinks something could be done!

  4. God bless all in your family. We have been and will continue praying that God would bless Theresa with new heart and lungs. We have an awesome God and our hearts desire is to see the blessing of your whole family continue to enjoy the joy of ALL it's members for many years. All our love- The Carr Family

  5. The surgeon responded and would be happy to review her information. He is particularly interested in the results of the heart cath. done in the U.S.. I will forward you his email on your personal email listed to the right!

  6. Ann,
    It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to witness Teresa in the arms of her family and to pray for God to breath another miracle into her little life. There are no words to thank YOU for giving her hope and a home.

    Love and blessings,

  7. Ann - and still the comments come in - and two more doctors that would be willing to try....and isn't that all we can do?

    Prayers continue - and let Teresa know how much she's loved!

    hugs - aus and co.
