Monday, September 13, 2010

2 months!!!!

On July 13, 2010 , Liu Fang became a Bartlinski ! Teresa Caroline Bartlinski (Fang Fang - pronounced Fahng).

It has been a wonderful 2 months.!!! How lucky we are to have such a sweet sweet daughter !

The Ravens outfits are to make Daddy happy , as if you couldn't tell he is a HUGE Ravens Fan. Today was their first game.


  1. How cute is she??? Your whole family is just lovely...sending you hugs and praying.

  2. Congratulations! And may I say, I think you picked a good middle name :)

  3. You guys are so cool - congratulations - even for Ravens fans! :)

    hugs - welcome home sweetie -

    aus and co.

  4. Happy two months home!!! Teresa is just BLOSSOMING in your family, and it is such a delight to see!!!

  5. Thanks for continuing to share your sweet family with us. I know I have said it over and over but I have never seen a child sparkle as much as Teresa, her hapiness seems hard to contain, and I continue to pray for Gods protection over her.

  6. Two months home already! Teresa is just so beautiful--and her sisters are too. :)

  7. HI,

    Thank you for taking the time to continue to share your blessed journey with all of us. CONGRATS on her domestic adoption !!! I love the family pictures, but I must say that I think teal jerseys with some Jaguars on them may look just a little bit better :)

    God Bless all of you and we will be sending up prayers every day,

    Lee Ann

  8. Oh Congratulations!!!!!! She is just stunning....there is a little piece of heaven in her eyes isn't there? Praying for you guys daily!!!!

  9. I just LOVE her eyes! So glad she has finally found her forever family!
