Sunday, August 8, 2010


Over the weekend , Alex helped me put all of the photos of our trip on a dvd with music.
At the China Care Home we met several children that were just amazing children . A three year old little boy with Down Syndrome stole Ed's heart. He would not leave Ed's side. He had such a friendly and engaging personality . There also was Teresa's best friend Ming. Ming has a very complex heart condition that can not be corrected in China. But the good news is her heart can be healed here in the U. S. . She only needs a family to bring her home. Might she be your daughter?

It is so sad to walk into an orphanage and only walk out with one child. Saying good bye to Ming was very sad. How do you explain to a three year old that her friend is going home , but you must stay, as you wave good bye to her?

While in the orphanage we would play with Ming too and she would call us Mama and Baba. Teresa did not like this and would come over and sit on my lap as if to remind Ming that this was her Mother and Father, afraid that we might change our mind if someone else were to call us Mama and Baba.

Teresa talks to Ming every day on her play phone. She says "Ni Hao Ming Jie Jie" (Hello older sister Ming). She goes on to have a full conversation with her telling her about Grace Jie JIe and Alex Ge Ge. It is so adorable .

Today I was able to take 4 of the girls to the pool for a little bit while Ed stayed home with Teresa. She was not having a good day, her heart rate was way too high and her oxygen was way too low, so we kept her inside the house in the a/c.

Please pray for our family as we continue to try to find peace and strength for caring for Teresa . We are so humbled that God has entrusted her care to us and let us be her family . She is such an amazing little soul . She has brought so much love into our lives already . WE just need strength and peace to accept God's Will for her life , whatever it may be...


  1. I pray for your family regularly. God entrusted Teresa to your care for a very good and divine reason, and I have no doubt that HE will equip you with the grace and strength you need to do the job. And that little Ming is a sweetie! I'll be praying that she finds her forever family as well...and SOON!

  2. Ann, I'm curious about Ming. Is she on the shared list? Do you know much about her condition? You all are in our prayers.

  3. I am also interested in Ming. Is she on the shared list or an agency list? What is her heart condition? We have two girls with fairly severe hearts that could not be fixed in China. They are doing well, now. Praying for your sweet Teresa and for you all.

  4. PS: my email address is:

  5. Know that i think of your family and your new little one and hope and pray for the BEST! Thanks for sharing your story and hers.


  6. Praying for Ming to find her Mama and Baba...that must have broke your heart to walk away from her. Praying for your family always!
