Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Paul is Home!

Paul came home for a few days . Classes start again on Wed. He and Meghan brought home with them their new puppy "Dewey".


  1. What a beautiful family!!! I know you must LOVE having them all home!!!

  2. LOVE China Care. Our girl is a former China Care cutie, from Baoji...

    So happy you have all your chickies in your nest, even if it's just a few days :)

  3. Praying for your daughter on Aug. 18th! Our son has his heart cath on the 16th, so I will just pray for BOTH of them!
    I know you've heard LOTS of stories of heart children, and each child is so different. Our little Kevin is not a heart transplant candidate, either. He would have to have heart/lung and like you said..docs don't like that. He had a BT shunt surgery in April to re-direct blood flow from his lungs and try to reduce his pressures. This cath on the 16th will tell us if his pressures have reduced enough to have the Glenn surgery.
    God is still in the miracle making business! I have a sweet army of prayer warriors who are believing with a "mustard seed" of faith for Kevin's healing...I will take the mustard seed for your Teresa too!
    God bless you and keep you all....
