Monday, July 12, 2010

Taiyuan/ Day 2

This morning we are headed to the Civil Affairs Office to start the adoption paperwork . We will be given 24 hours custody of Teresa and then return to the CAO on Tuesday to sign the final papers.

With each of our girls adoptions we have had 5 different experiences. Mary came to us at 2 1/2 years old , in the orphanage the entire time. she would not make eye contact or talk to us for a week. Lucy was 3 years old and lived in the orphanage for a while and then foster family and back and forth to the hospital . She was very sick when we got her . She would joke and laugh and do little tricks to try and make us love her. Emilia was 4 years old and live with a foster family who let her do what ever she wanted . She wanted no parts of us and made it clear by telling every one " I don't want this Mamma". Gemma was 3 years old and was in a foster Family that dearly loved her. We had the privilege of meeting them and seeing just how much she was loved. Teresa is three and 1/2 years old and has lived in the China Care Home her whole life. She was very well taken care of and loved .

With all of the girls, Teresa is the only one who has shown an understanding for what is happening to her. She wants us and a family. All of the girls love their family now , but it was a long process of grieving and adapting to the new change of their life.

Teresa has such a kind and gentle nature to her . She will sit in our laps and gently stroke our face with her hand and look into our eyes as if she is saying it is ok now .
This morning at breakfast her nanny told us she was very sad last night because she thought we had left her here and were not going to take her home with us.

Her whole adoption process has been such an amazing journey.
We are so blessed to have her in our family.
Please pray for her to continue to stay healthy for our travel home.

Tonight Lily went back to Beijing. Before she left we reviewed all of Teresa's care. Lily told us it was a miracle that Teresa is alive still.

She takes so many heart medicines . ( More than you Dad) We have them all written down and are trying to remember everything to do .
Teresa has 2 holes in her heart so large that we can not believe she is walking and playing with her sisters so well.
She also has pulmonary hypertension, one single ventricle, VSD of 20mm, ASDof 23mm, and large tricuspid reflex. Her oxygen levels ar 75% very low. Lily told us if it drops to 60% to become very worried. We are already very worried. Trying to keep her away from all of the smoke and pollution here is very difficult. When she eats or drinks her lips turn purple. She sarted today sneezing and coughing more. We are praying that she is not getting sick.

She continues to love being with us and we are so very happy to have her . She is so special .She is kind and gentle.

Tomorrow we return to the Civil affairs Office to finalize her adoption.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I'm so happy...but I keep crying....

    I use to post on my blog "There has to be someone...somewhere in this big ole world that can help Lucy"...and here YOU are and I almost can't believe it. Lucy is just beaming!!!!

    I don't know if I'll sleep tonight...I'm so excited!!!

    God is so good!

    Love and blessings,
