Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today we spent the morning playing with the children in the China care orphanage. One little two year old boy fell in love with Ed. Every time we came into his room , he would run up to ed and want to be held. He has a heart defect and down syndrome.
Teresa was so excited to see us again. We can not beleive how happy and loving she is to us already . When we came back to see her all of the children started to call us Momma and Babbba. Teresa immediatly told them that we were HER Momma and Babba. Every time we leave she cries and will not let us go . Is is amazing to see how she so desperatly wants a family. Her Nanny told us yesterday that she has the insight of an older child and feels emotions that most children her age do not. We thought wow that is really great and then we met her we could see exactly what she was talking about. She is so kind and carring.

We then took the train to Taiyaun, ShanXi. this is the province Teresa was born in . She was so good on the train .

We are still learning how to care for her with all of medical conditions. They are teaching us a little at a time so we do not get overwhelmed. It is a little stressful making sure we measure all of her fluids to make sure she does not get too much , but also to make sure she does not get dehydrated. The medical director of China Care came with us. After Tuesday we will be on our own as she will return to Beijing.

She continues to be such a joy to be around and she loves Grace and Mary.

Me again . I forgot to mention that the blog is being blocked by the Chinese government so Alex is forwarding all post. I can not see it so if you would like to reach us you would have to use my email.

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