The Bartlinski Bunch

" Teresa "

" Teresa "

Teresa "Fang Fang " Bartlinski

Teresa was born on December 25, 2006 in China. She was born with a very complex heart condition. In July 2010, GOD added Teresa to our family through adoption. We have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Gods grace has woven us together as a family. Upon bringing Teresa home from China we unfortunately learned she not only needed a heart transplant but also a lung transplant. Her doctors feel she would not survive this operation. Please help us to pray for a miracle for Teresa's heart and lungs to be healed. She is a very special little soul who has touched so many lives around the world ...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Thank you

Thank you for all being a part of Teresa's miracle.  She has her new heart and is in Jesus arms .   We never wanted Teresa to die alone an orphan and she didn't .  She was surrounded by everyone that loved her .   We know she was never ours to keep that god was just sharing her with us .  Now he will share her with the    entire world from heaven . 

I now know how our Blessed Mother felt holding her beloved son Jesus  , as he was taken off the cross .  I never wanted to let her go . 

For two weeks Teresa bled from her eyes , nose , mouth and heart.   She thirsted so badly .  She signed for a drink every time she woke .  Her bed became her cross  .

The hardest thing we have ever had to do was leave the hospital tonight with out her . 
I will post information about her funeral ( celebration of life) , tomorrow . 

God is good all of the time , blessed be the name of The Lord !!!


shanda said...


Rita @ Open Window said...

Oh, Ann. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family. I keep thinking of the miracles Teresa has been part of during her time on earth and now the miracles she will surely bring about while being held in Jesus' arms in heaven. We are so very, very sorry for your loss. What an extraordinary daughter and sister Teresa is, and how blessed we all are to have been touched by her life even in the smallest way.

Troy and Diane Sturgeon said...

I have been following your journey and praying for / with you for a year and a half now. I am crying as I type this, but I am also praying that you take comfort in knowing that the Blessed Mother is with your angel now. She is with her Father. I cannot imagine there is anything that will alleviate your grief and pain right now, but I will pray that with time, the suffering will lessen. God Bless you all. My family will continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray for your family during this season of your lives. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share your family, daughter and journey will all of us. We have all been blessed by your faith.

Unknown said...

Ann - thank you sharing Teresa with us. Thank you for giving her a loving family. She would never have survived in an orphanage and you gave wonderful years! She truly performed miracles -- got me to church AND confession, brought complete strangers together in prayer and faith!! Your faith is amazing. I truly believe that you will see her again in heaven one day! I am so so sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

The Lord made her into a very special angle. I hope you find peace. I have a 7 year that had open heart surgery that is the worst thing for a family to go thru. You and your family seem very strong. I will pray for you and your family.

Derek, Julie, Cherish, Hope, Andrew, Daniel, Matthew, and Samuel said...

Praying, praying, praying... <3

Margy said...

Thank you for sharing your precious daughter Teresa with all of us. She carried her cross beautifully, like her Jesus, who she knew well and is dancing with now.
Our prayers are with all of you as you begin life without your precious princess on this earth. We pray you will continue to feel the strength and love only He can give until you are reunited with Teresa in heaven. Thank you for sharing your darling daughter with all of us. Her smile and giant spirit will not be forgotten and your remarkable love for her will not be either. God be with you.


Michele said...

Is it any surprise that little St. Teresa's cross was thirst when Blessed Teresa of Calcutta had "I thirst" written in every chapel in every MC convent in the world? A spectacular sign, I think, that God has had your girl in His hand all along. God bless you. Thinking of you. Glad she is safely in His hands and thirsting no longer. Will keep you in prayer.

Anonymous said...

I am mourning with you and your Family Laura. I prayed so much that God would heal her this side of Heaven that she might experience an abundant life and on one hand, she did. She was blessed to be a part of your Family and our Families even in her last days.
Some would say, what is the point of all of this but I am often reminded... "...that the Glory of God may be manifested..." There were countless acts of selfless love and compassion, prayers and faith that could move mountains, outpouring of gifts, repenting hearts, souls saved, lives changed. I believe all of this was the manifestation of God's Glory all through Teresa and your Family's struggle. God reminds us that His Thoughts, His Ways are higher than ours. He is indeed Good ALL the time, even when *life* isn't. Much love, be blessed of the Lord for all your days finding comfort in His Grace and Mercy, His all-encompassing Love that has no end.

John M

Mary Lou said...

Beautiful. Especially these words.
"I now know how our Blessed Mother felt holding her beloved son Jesus, as he was taken off the cross. I never wanted to let her go.".

Unknown said...

Dear Bartlinski Family -
We are a "Heart Family" from Phoenix, AZ. Even thought we have never met and probably will never meet, the LOVE that we feel for you at this time is real. We followed Teresa's story daily and were praying for her and all of you. May you feel God's arms wrapped around you at this time.

The Keck Family

Sue Lucas said...

I am so very sorry !! The world loved your little Teresa !She touched my heart so very much ! I will never forget her.She made such an impact on me in such a very short time. My heart is for the Chinese orphans. I cry for the ones who are left there.Praying peace comfort for your family.I made a donation today in honor of her to "Love With Out Boundries" when she was still in the OR.Bless you all.Sue Lucas Roanoke Va

Narissa said...

Yes Teresa is with Jesus, thanks be to God. Prayers are sent out to your family. Know that Teresa feels your love even now and what a blessing you all are.

Kelly P said...

I have sat literally crying for your family since this news. My children has become a vivid part of my participiation in the donatelife and lifepoint programs. I sat them down to share the news about Teresa and my son who just turned four simply got off the floor and as he walked off started whistling the song "A whole new world" I stopped speaking all together and just watched my son run off whistling this song. The Lord speaks through our children Teresa showed that time and again. I wanted to share that with you. I pray yall can sleep tonight and know ur always in our prayers. Lots of love always Kelly and family in South Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Praying for comfort for your family. I'm so very sorry.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

my love and prayers are with you all.

Wendy said...

Oh Ann, what a beautiful post. I want you to know that Teresa was loved so very much by people who had not even met her in person. You gave Teresa an incredible gift, the gift of a family. Even though you knew that gift could cause heartache for you and your family down the road, you did not turn your back on her. Thank you for this. What an incredible gift. And today, it really was a miracle monday even though it might not have been exactly what all of us had in mind. Teresa got to be held by her mommy and daddy before meeting her maker in Heaven. You gave her this gift. And Ann, I am honored that you let us in your world to love and pray for you and Teresa. Please know that the prayers are not over, the love for you has not ended. I hope we can still stay in touch. Know that you are a hero to all of us. Thank you Ann. Hugs to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family. Thank you for opening up your story to all of us so we could share in prater for your sweet angel. God Bless

the preppy debutante said...

There are absolutely no words that can be said to take away some of the pain you are feeling right now. I am so very sorry to hear about your princess. I prayed for my little fellow Marylander and hoped for many miracles!

May she forever have her arms around your family, as all of you had your arms around her when she needed you the most.

the preppy debutante said...

There are absolutely no words that can be said to take away some of the pain you are feeling right now. I am so very sorry to hear about your princess. I prayed for my little fellow Marylander and hoped for many miracles!

May she forever have her arms around your family, as all of you had your arms around her when she needed you the most.

helenasc said...

My heart breaks for your family. I have been praying and will continue as you face this next season. May you feel God's love and presence in a way that is beyond human understanding.

Anonymous said...

Teresa's tiny footprints have found there way home ! She has now become a beautiful Angel with huge wings ! Teresa was a very brave little girl ! God please Bless this family in there time of need !

Anonymous said...

Teresa's tiny footprints have made it safely home ! She is now a beautiful Angel flying high ! My heart goes out to her wonderful family ! May she now rest peacefully !

Wendy said...


Our hearts are with your family tonight. Thank you for sharing your journey with your amazing, beautiful little girl whose light and love filled so many. We are so deeply saddened by your loss and hope that you can feel the love of a big, wide community of people who hoped and prayed with you. Our prayers and thoughts remain with you.

Laine said...

Ann, your faith is a beacon of light to so many....and your great love is so obviously from our Father's hand. We have had Teresa on our prayer board, praying for her for almost 3 years. God has heard every prayer uttered by all of us on this blog. Oh Ann, how I wish I could comfort you somehow with words...and so I trust the Holy Spirit will be your Comforter, as He is ours. We grieve with you, cry with you, mourn beside you.

Unknown said...

My heart just hurts for you and your family, even though I'm thrilled Teresa is no longer hurting and has a look of joyful bliss. May He hold you closely, and bless you for caring so much.


Ms. America said...

I started following your family after you appeared on the Today show recently. I am so sorry for your loss. I think it is amazing that your family gave her the best life she could have, knowing that it would be hard. Your family is amazing and it proves that there is still good in the world.

Anonymous said...

Our family is praying for yours. God Bless your family for your faith and inspiration. We are so sorry for your loss.

Kathy said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. May Teresa's angel wings spread wide and carry her into God's arms. She is an angel watching over all of you now and no longer in pain. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. May you find peace in knowing she is wih God.

Anonymous said...

God bless your family and HIS new angel baby.
Missouri City, Tx

Sheryl said...

Teresa and your entire family have been such an inspiration to me. Your faithful walk with the Lord through this journey is a true picture of the life God wants us all to lead. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you. Sheryl Griffin

Susie said...

Our Disney cd was on in the car tonight and as usual Lizzie, who is 41/2, asked me to sing Aladdin's part while she sang Jasmine's. Bout me to tears thinking of Teresa exploring Heaven with Jesus. The line of "I can't go back" made me think both of her new life in Heaven the new life she discovered as a part of a loving family. I have to imagine that if God says today, "Well done, my good and faithful servant" He will be speaking to Teresa and your whole family. Lifting your entire family in prayer.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what your family is going threw right now! Teresa was definitely a inspiration to many... May god continue to be with you during this very difficult time!

Judy Deaton said...

Although I didn't know your family or Theresa personally, we felt connected through the miracle of adoption. May the Lord Bless you for loving Theresa and showing her the love of her heavenly father. Our prayers for your peace and healing go up. Hugs from Kansas.

sierrasmom said...

Thank YOU Ann for sharing her with us. I remember when the word went out in the adoption community that 3 little girls needed families! I have been following Teresa's story ever since. It is a story filled with joy, miracles, family and love. The miracle was her! My heart hurts. Sierra's prayer tonight was "God, I hope Teresa is having fun in heaven. Please take care of her. Please make sure she meets my friend Grace!" I wish I could give you a hug!! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

May God bless you and your family and help you to find peace during this difficult time. What a darling little princess! I hope you find comfort in knowing there is a precious angel watching over you.

Anonymous said...

May the Angels welcome her to paradise, may the martyrs greet her on her way, may she see the face of the Lord this day, Alleluia, Alleluia. God Bless Teresa and your family.

Anonymous said...

I cried when I heard the news. I am crying now. Yet. your words are comforting. I am praying for your family. Teresa has touched my heart. May God continue to bless you. May the holy spirit comfort you.

Anonymous said...


Another note for you. I have learned so much from you about great mothering. Truly, as a first time mom following your blog since you brought Teresa home, your unbowed faith, courage, patience, and complete commitment toward maximizing the quality of life for all your kids has been inspiring and amazing to follow. I honor and hold you up you as a wonderful mother, wife, and woman of spectacular faith. Teresa lives on in you and her sisters and brothers, and lessons that I have learned from you and your entire family will live on in me as a mom and in our daughter.

Grateful for you and your testament. You set a high bar for the rest of us to aspire.

XO Lynne, Oregon

Gail said...

from Lesa Helms
Much love, thoughts, and prayers to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your little angel with us! We are all blessed to have had her smile in our life.

Anonymous said...

What a charmed life she had with your family. May all your fond memories of Teresa comfort you in the coming days. Thank you for sharing her life with all of us. I will continue to pray for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Your post not only made me cry, but it is a beacon of God's grace. The peace that passes understanding obviously surrounds you. No mother should have to bury a child, but our God is big enough! The thought of that previous baby girl sitting at the feet of Jesus, insisting that he wear a princess crown, warms my heart.
The good Lord must think a lot of you and your family to give you such a blessing, even though that blessing is gone too soon.

Anonymous said...

Teresa and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers all day. I was so saddened to hear of Teresa's passing this afternoon. I knew of her story for only a short while (the last two weeks)and it touched me deeply. While at dinner tonight, our 6 year old asked about Teresa and if she was with God. My wife said absolutely. She said she was sad because she would never meet her here on earth - "she was princessy like me". I know they would have been fast friends because she is all about the princesses as well. Her sister (our 8yo old soul) gave her the best response one could give "you will meet her in heaven some day, that's a better place anyway". We know and believe that this is true, but we grieve for your loss and our loss of such a beautiful soul here on earth. Keeping you in our prayers. Dave & Heather Stanghellini, Rina (8), Nuala (6), and Anna (15) here in NY.

Anonymous said...

I have kept up with your journey for some time. When I read the news today, my heart broke but I instantly knew God needed a Princess Angel in heaven.

I pray for peace and love during this time and for the months, years to come.

Prayers from Arizona

Bonnie, Jim, Ainsley and Sofie said...

There are no words. You are an amazing family. May God bless you and comfort your heart.

Sarah P. said...

I've been following the Facebook group and praying fervently. I wanted to share that I had such a strong image of Teresa smiling big, so JOYOUS, dressed as a princess with a little tiara on, barefoot and running through a green grassy field toward Jesus' open arms. She's so happy to be with our Father. We weep because we miss her, but heaven is a reward, not a curse. I'm praying for your heartache to wane with time. Thank you Jesus for Teresa's life and for the lives she has touched through You.

Seattle, WA, USA

knlrachel said...

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Our family has been praying for Teresa and your family for weeks now and we will continue to do so. May you know the peace that only Christ can give as you walk through this very difficult journey. Teresa's life and spirit touched so many - even those who she never met. Thank you for sharing your journey and faith with all of us. My heart is aching along with yours.

Anonymous said...

When I was in college (many years ago :() my friend died suddendly. We traded off babysitting for a family. I babysat the children while the parents visited the funeral home. That night the oldest child said to me, "I know why Christa died, Jesus needed a really good babysitter." Know that Teresa is among great people!

Sue said...

Teresa was an amazing person here on earth and will continue to be amazing with Blessed mother and Father. You gave her a miracle of never giving up on her, making her your daughter when you knew the diagnosis, allowing her to feel the love and being part a family, she has in return shown everyone how to love. I am so sorry for the princess you have lost here.

Anonymous said...

Teresa touched my heart when I first saw your blog under "I love you more" because I have a little girl about her age that resembles Teresa and she always tells me "mommy, I love you more!" Tonight, she brought years to my eyes and I just held her tight, she came up to me and said "mom, I love u more" . I instantly was grieving for your loss! Know that ur in our prayers and Teresa will always love you more!

Anonymous said...

Teresa touched my heart when I first saw your blog under "I love you more" because I have a little girl about her age that resembles Teresa and she always tells me "mommy, I love you more!" Tonight, she brought years to my eyes and I just held her tight, she came up to me and said "mom, I love u more" . I instantly was grieving for your loss! Know that ur in our prayers and Teresa will always love you more!

Lori said...

I cannot imagine putting her down for the last time. Cannot imagine. She fought so hard. Thank YOU for sharing her with US. My heart is breaking for you all. I will not stop praying until the Lord has released me. I have never prayed so hard and it has been such a privilege. If I had to do it all over again I would. I know His ways are higher. I KNOW that. But it just seemed like the world would've been a much better place with her in it. You all have been through so much the past few weeks. Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

As I read the update about Teresa today my heart was broken for your family. I know without a shadow of a doubt that The Lord answered your prayers for Teresa's heart to be completely is just that He healed her in heaven rather than on earth where she could be with you. I went back and read her story on your blog and I could see just by looking at all the beautiful pictures of her what an incredible little girl she was. Literally you could have just posted pictures and they would have told me everything I needed to know about her. She was obviously very, very special. But as I have prayed for her these past days, I felt sure that God would continue to use her life for His purposes even if her life on earth ended. Her story and your love for her and your willingness to love her no matter how much time you would have her is so amazing. Truly it is!! I have two daughters from China and so I know what it is like to love someone more than you ever possibly imagined. I will continue to pray for your family and your children as you find a way to live without Teresa. And I will pray that God will work mightily in other's lives through her story. My hope is that many people might give their lives to God and be in heaven one day because of Teresa's story. Praying for your comfort tonight.


Anonymous said...

Ann, thank you for giving us the honor of praying for Teresa and your whole family. Teresa is such a Blessing. She brought many people together in His name for prayer and worship. And how many people came to know Christ through her we may never know but I am sure there are many. I will continue to pray for your family. May God bless you all with loving memories of Teresa and the peace and knowledge that you will see her again.
God Bless,
Marie / Ohio

The Frank Family said...

God blessed little Teresa when you brought her home to be a part of your loving family. And now your family will be blessed to have this little angel looking over all of you. Our thoughts and prayers will remain with all of you.

Lori said...

I cannot imagine putting her down for the last time. Cannot imagine. She fought so hard. Thank YOU for sharing her with US. My heart is breaking for you all. I will not stop praying until the Lord has released me. I have never prayed so hard and it has been such a privilege. If I had to do it all over again I would. I know His ways are higher. I KNOW that. But it just seemed like the world would've been a much better place with her in it. You all have been through so much the past few weeks. Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Ann, thanks for being so thoughtful as to update your blog etc.after such a terrible and draining experience. we're so glad she wasn't alone, that you were with her when her time came. That poor little girl suffered so. She's finally at peace. I hope your mom is looking out for her.

Unknown said...

Bless you.

Ann said...

My heart is with you and your family. Our entire family sent many prayers to your sweet Teresa. She was loved from afar all over the world. She knew the love of a family! One last thought regarding the pain of loss that you all feel and will continue to go through--we lost a son to cancer and I have asked each of my children (separately), who have suffered so much with his loss, if they knew the end from the beginning, would they choose to just not have ever known him and not have had to grieve his loss, would they choose to have just never known him, and ALL my children have responded with a resounding NO! They are so grateful he was their brother--even though all the pain. And Teresa knew the love of a family--even at her last breath and for eternity! Sending love!

Nancy @ Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 10 said...

I am happy she is at peace and has a perfect heart in His arms. She was perfectly made.
Thank you so much for sharing her with us!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye for now to your precious girl. I pray God will continue to lift up your heads as you walk through these hard days.

Connie J said...

My family is crying for yours. Yes, God is good, all the time! How astounding is your joy and faith, and to Him be glory. We praise God that Teresa is no longer in pain. She has touched so many. May the Father wrap His loving arms around your precious family.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing her with us...she has touched so many. I will never forget her. May you be blessed with an abundance of peace and love to get you through. Lisa

Kimberlie Meyer said...

Almost a year ago my husband died somewhat unexpectedly (we had know for a couple of weeks he was sick but not what he had). Today as I prayed for Teresa, as Paul and I did many times over the past couple of years. Paul loved children and especially those who were formerly orphans (we have 4). I just know he will seek out Teresa in Heaven and will twirl her around and dance with your little Princess. He and she will be watching all of us, and taking our prayers and petitions to the Lord. Teresa's love will continue to grow and spread to others who hear her story and are touched by her faith.

Many blessings, from another CHI mom,
Kimberlie Meyer

Judy Wiley said...

Ann, Ed, and family,

Thank you for sharing your daughter, Teresa with us. The world has fallen in love with her, and we have forever been touched by her beautiful spirit. I know that she is in heaven talking about her family, how much she loves them, and how they gave her a family of her own with more love then any little girl could handle. Teresa is healthy, and squealing with delight as she shows off her princess bike to all her friends in Heaven, while Jesus laughs at his Princess who loves him with all her heart.

Good night Bartlinski family,and I wish you sweet dreams of your Teresa.

Judy Wiley (Catonsville Y)

amy said...

Your beautiful princess leaves a legacy of hope, courage and faith for all of those who have followed her journey. Your ability to shed light in the midst of your deepest pain is remarkable...truly a reflection of your faith and hope in the One who now holds your sweet angel. Praying for your family and trusting that God's peace and presence floods your soul.

Dj Bubbo said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Teresa's family tonight. I was really pulling for her and praying but I guess God had other plans. She is in a better place now, no more pain and suffering. No more hospital beds or surgeries. I pray that God comfort her sisters, and I'm thankful that her story touched so many. So fly high little angel, your star is the brightest one tonight.

Tania said...

My deepest condoleances to you and your family.

Anita said...

Praying for your family, I'm so very sorry.

Traverse City, MI

Anonymous said...

last night as i was sleeping i hear a pitter patter sound of little footsteps on the carpeting in my bedroom..i thought it was my fiver year old daughter..i opened my eyes part way and there was a shadowy figure of a child in a violet dress and ark hair in front of me..i swear it was terse...i opened my eyes in a snap and one was there.....has this happened t oanyone else..??

was SHE coming to comfort ME ???


IF YOU CAN CAN YOU LET US KNOW..did she pass in the operating room?..was she out of it?..whar caused her to pass?...did she wake up ever???

sooo sorry for your is a loss for everyone on this planet...thank yuo for sharing her...

Anonymous said...

I have been praying so hard for your family and your beautiful little girl, and felt so heartbroken to read your post today. You are all an inspiration and although it is so hard to take, we know Teresa is healthy and happy in the place we were all made for, in Jesus' arms. I pray for peace and comfort for your family. Thank you for sharing your amazing little girl with us. With love from another adoptive parent of a sweet soul from China.

Anonymous said...

I am so so sorry :*( My heart and prayers are with you all.

Kim said...

Your family is in my family's thoughts and prayers. I pray that you continue to fill God's loving hand as you walk your path of grief and sorrow.

May God bless you and keep you today and always!

Anonymous said...

Was so very sorry to hear the news about Teresa. Teresa was blessed to join your family, your family was blessed by Teresa, and we who have closely followed your blog were blessed to follow your family's journey. Hoping for peace and comfort for your family.

Bob D.

Anonymous said...

Was very sad to read the news about Teresa. Teresa was blessed to have your family to join, your family was blessed to have Teresa, and we the blog readers have been blessed to share the journey that has been Teresa's time here. Hoping for peace and comfort for your family.

Bob D.

Anonymous said...

Was very sad to read the news about Teresa. Teresa was blessed to have your family to join, your family was blessed to have Teresa, and we the blog readers have been blessed to share the journey that has been Teresa's time here. Hoping for peace and comfort for your family.

Bob D.

Anonymous said...

Was very sad to read the news about Teresa. Teresa was blessed to have your family to join, your family was blessed to have Teresa, and we the blog readers have been blessed to share the journey that has been Teresa's time here. Hoping for peace and comfort for your family.

Bob D.

Jeanie said...

I am so sorry that Teresa was not able to stay with you, but am glad to see the gift that her time with you was, to you and to you said, she did not have to die an orphan. she got to enjoy the love of a forever family, and I expect she will be eagerly awaiting a reunion with all of you when (hopefully long, long from now) you meet her again in heaven.

Ruby said...

I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry yo hear this but smiled through tears when I read she had her ears pierced.

You gave Teresa a beautiful life, it was so evident she gave it her all..she also made your life beautiful.

I'm so sad she has gone but glad she has been. To meet her via your blog was an honour.

Holding your family close to my heart.

With love.

The Jiu Jiu said...

Ann, I know I've already posted but after she heard, the Pipsqueak's Grandma wanted me to let you know that the rest of the family mourns your loss with you and wanted you to know they're thinking of you and the whole Bartlinski family. I also told some of the people at work to whom I've been giving updates (and many of whom have been praying for Teresa), and every single one of them was at a loss for words but wanted me to pass on their condolences and let you know they are grieving right alongside.

We all are hoping you all are able to find comfort and solace in all the love so many people have for Teresa and her family.

Anonymous said...

Yes parents smile through all your tears
A crown of life your darling wears
The grave a shady porch appears
To where we"ll meet again

The precious dust beneath that lies
Shall at the call of Jesus rise
To meet the Bridegroom in the skies
That day we"ll meet again

With heartfelt love from Scotland

Anonymous said...

Ann, I have deep respect for the way you have walked and are walking this very hard road, and for your faith. I hope it will give you comfort, and I also hope that you will allow yourself room and time for grief...
All the best and warm regards from Claudia, The Netherlands

LA said...

Dear Ann and family,

I looked back to see when I first learned about Teresa and posted on your blog. It was in August of 2010. We have been praying for her daily since then. I truly believe she defied all the odds for the last 3 years because many people were praying for her. I am deeply saddened by her loss here on earth, but know Heaven is overjoyed with her arrival.
For you and your family, know that this beautiful child only wanted to be loved and have a family. You made her so happy to fulfill this desire for her. Because of you and your family, she truly knew what being loved meant. Many children never get to know that, and you made Tetesa's life complete. She went to Heaven being a very happy girl and soon, you will see her again.
Thank you for also posting over these years to keep all of us who loved Teresa from afar informed. I would love to come to her funeral and pay her and your family the respect you all deserve, but I live several states away. Do know that we will continue to be praying for you all.
God bless,
Lee Ann and family

Aus said...

There are no words to comfort a parent when they loose a child - to comfort a sibling when they loose a brother or a sister so young...

I look forward to one day running side by side with this darling Angel...

And we will continue to hold you and your family in our hearts and prayers...

Teresa touched many many people in her short time here - she and you have shown us what it means to be a good and faithful servant.

hugs and prayers -

aus and co.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot express...Only God knows why Teresa had to go now, way too soon in our opinion. You are in my prayers.

likeschocolate said...

My family has been following Thersa's story for a year now. What a beautiful little girl ! She lived herlife with so much joy and courage. May we all take her example to live our liife in the same manner. She is now in the arms of her father with a fully restored body. Your family has been such a wonderful exampleof the Saiours love. May your hearts be comforted in your time of grieve. Hugs from Atlanta, Georgia!

Anonymous said...

Adopting Teresa was the easy part but letting her go was beyond comprehension. Your family is an awesome inspiration by providing Teresa with a safe an happy haven. I was re-reading some of your blog postings, and re-read the post titled "IT". Your family has the right priorities, and God has honored. Ann & Ed, I can already envision the upcoming glorious celebration of her short life that bore such a HUGE impact worldwide. May several come to know the Lord through your testimony to Teresa's life. To God Be The Awesome Glory!

Anonymous said...

Yes parents smile through all your tears
A crown of life your darling wears
The grave a shady porch appears
To where we"ll meet again

The precious dust beneath that lies
Shall at the call of Jesus rise
To meet the Bridegroom in the skies
That day we"ll meet again

With heartfelt empathy from Scotland..

Anonymous said...

God bless all of you. She is blessed to be with her Jesus. And she can now watch over her family by his side. You are an amazing family My prayers are still being sent

Anonymous said...

I am numb & crying. I had fervently prayed that Teresa would survive her surgery. I gain some peace knowing that she went directly from your arms to God's. Teresa was an enchanting child who captivated all she touched. I pray for peace for your family & the joy of knowing that you will all be reunited in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. You now have your own personal little angel to watch over all of you. Your family gave her a wonderful life while she was her and made her very happy. Now Jesus will be there to protect her and care for her.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you from Liverpool in England, I have followed Teresa's journey since before she was adopted by you, her joy and happiness has shone through. I am so sorry for your loss. Love Katie

HoundDogMom said...

So sorry for the loss of your beloved Teresa. She has touched so many lives and her memory will live with me forever. May you find comfort knowing she is in the arms of Jesus. God Bless you and your family. Sherri

PatL said...

Ann, God Bless You! I first heard of your story on The Today Show. I fell in love with Teresa. Couldn't stop praying and reading the updates. All of the pictures were just precious. When I read your 3:23 post, I was so sadden. However, inspired of how loving and caring you and your family were all the way until the end you have been to every need of little Teresa. You made sure her little ears were pierced. You are such a caring and loving family GOD BLESS YOU! Teresa will always live on in my heart, as well as, your family. I will meet Teresa in Heaven. I pray I will have the honor of meeting your family one day. God's loving arms around all of you in these days ahead... PatL

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry yo hear this but smiled through tears when I read she had her ears pierced.

You gave Teresa a beautiful life, it was so evident she gave it her all..she also made your life beautiful.

I'm so sad she has gone but glad she has been. To meet her via your blog was an honour.

Holding your family close to my heart.

With love.

Anonymous said...

Teresa was one lucky girl to be placed with such a strong, loving family. However, those of us following your family's story have really been the lucky ones. Teresa opened my mind and my soul in ways I didn't know was possible. She has taught me to live my life to the fullest and be thankful for every breath I am granted. She has also opened my mind about organ donation and the wonderful gift and legacy one can leave here on earth when they are called home to our Father. Thank you for sharing Teresa and her amazing story with us. We are praying that you find peace in the smiling memories of Princess Teresa. My condolences to your family and friends.

julianne said...

God bless you Bartlinkski family. Thank you for sharing your precious Teresa with us. She will always be in our hearts.

Linda said...

I am so, so sorry. Having lost 2 of my own children, I know the grief is like none other. This section of a poem by Amy Carmichael meant a lot to me:
Hast thou no wound?...
No wound, no scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And, pierced are the feet that follow me;
But thine are whole; can he have followed far
Who has no wound or scar?
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

Anonymous said...

God bless you blessed Teresa was to have such a wonderful, loving family and how blessed you were to have her for her short life. Will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Teresa was truly a beautiful, magical child - even for those of us who never met her. I will continue to pray for her and for all of you. - Theresa from Georgia

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May the angels take her to paradise. I am so sorry for your loss. She has been and will continue to be a blessing to us all.

Beth in MN

Pat T. said...

I don't personally know you or your family, but I wanted you to know that I am filled with sadness upon hearing of Teresa's passing. I only learned about your situation last week. I watched the Today Show story and was compelled to keep seeking updates on her condition. Teresa's story has touched so many lives and I have cried numerous times for her. I understand that she is now at peace and send my deepest condolences to your whole family. She was a beautiful soul who will live on. God Bless.

Pat T. said...

I do not know you or your family, but I wanted to say how truly sorry I am to hear of Teresa's passing. I only became aware of Teresa's story last week and after watching the Today Show, I felt compelled to keep checking for updates on her condition. I have cried numerous times for her and she has touched me deeply. My deepest condolences to your whole family. Teresa was a beautiful soul who will continue to live on. She touched many people in her short life. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

So much love to all of you. She was so blessed to have you all with her, taking care of her, holding her and loving her for so long.

Your story has touched us all.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been checking your website every day for updates on Teresa and was saddened to hear of her passing. I am lucky enough to have two little girls of my own and it brings tears to my eyes typing this now, just thinking of Teresa and what she has been through in her short life. What a lucky little girl to have brought into your family, and how lucky are we all that you chose to share her with us. God Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for letting us be a part of her story through your blog.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been following your blog for that long, but within the past week Teresa has become a major inspiration to me. I'm sorry to hear that she was taken so early. When I heard the news I was saddened but felt a strange wave of intense peace. I know God is holding your princess and thanking you for the extreme love you showed her.

Newhouse-Fusting Family said...

Ann, Ed and Family,
We were so saddened by Teresa's passing. Our hearts ache for you. We will miss seeing her happy face but we know she is smiling and being loved in the arms of Jesus right now.
Marcia, Don, Shelly and Brendan

Patty said...

Thank you for sharing Teresa with us. She touched so many lives in ways no one will ever know. Teresa is the MIRACLE!

Joe said...

I am so sorry for your family and then overjoyed by the fact that she lives on. She will live on in all of our hearts as well as yours. She will live on with Jesus even though we really do not comprehend it, we believe it. Your words about this special little girl touched me and basically made me cry out to the Lord everytime I read. I am not good with words but believe me when I say I was moved to prayer each and everytime I read. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Our deepest Condolences to your family. Thank you for updating us on Teresa's progress as days passed. We were with you then and are now. She will never be forgotten she is in our hearts as well.
We will miss her smiling face.

From Lee family.
Teresa passed on Canada Day, all the fireworks were for her.

T. Lang said...

My heart is heavy with the passing of Teresa. I have been following her story for awhile after seeing her on the local news and newspapers. My entire family has been praying and will continue to pray for your family. She was a beautiful little girl whom I hope to meet one day in heaven. Thank you for sharing her story with everyone. I will never drive through Catonsville again without thinking about Teresa.

Unknown said...

Lifting you up... God's grace and peace be with you and your family. Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration.

Aaron Kelley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I envy you to have been so privileged to have had this precious little girl in your life! We all fell in love with her! And, I know you will get to spend eternity with her, because you have trusted Jesus! So, until then, I pray the Lord will carry you all!

Eternal life is going to be awesome, what a party, I cannot wait! Until then, we all have much work to do!

Kristi said...

My heart aches for you and your family. May God provide you with continued strength and grace through this incredibly difficult time. It is so evident what a special little soul adorable little Teresa was/is. How she radiated pure joy as she lived such a full life as a member of your family. God bless you. May you find peace with God's help.

CraftyShell said...

I have not been following your family's story long. I heard of your little sweet angel just a week and a half ago. I prayed that she recover and get to grow up with this wonderful family. But even in her short 6 years she was so blessed she found your family and understood the true meaning of love. Teresa was such a brave little girl and a true fighter she fought to stay with you. I cant imagine how your family feels but no matter what the blessing is the love you family shared with her as well as the love she shared with you all. You and the family are in my prayers I hope find peace and comfort. You all have a very sweet little beautiful angel watching over you. {hugs}

Unknown said...

You are so very strong. I love our Lord Jesus but I don't think I would have your strength. May our Lord Jesus continue to give you strength. Every time the sun shines I will think of Teresa smiling with our Lord Jesus. Praying for you and your family from Louisville, KY Susan

CraftyShell said...

I have not been following you family's story long. I had learned of Teresa just about a week ago. I was praying she be blessed to recover and grow up with this wonderful family. I am so so sorry for your loss. I pray you find peace and comfort in the days to come. She was so blessed to have found such a loving family. She got to live the true meaning of love and got to share the love she had. She was a fighter she fought hard to stay with her family she loved so much. You now have the most strong sweet beautiful little angel watching over you all. You and the family are in my prayers during these days were the pain is over whelming. My god arms wrap you with love and comfort you. {HUGS}

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for Theresa for a week since I saw her story on the Today show. As I was praying on Saturday I felt God release the burden and tell me Theresa would pass but that was the answer to our prayers. I could see her in heaven, healed and whole, dancing and playing and laughing. I know she is happy now. I know this may seem weird but this song popped into my head as I was picturing Theresa in heaven and I don't know if it will mean anything to you or not but I believe it was from God.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me down
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day

Oh yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day

Look all around there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead there's nothing but blue skies

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
Bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
Oh yeah
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day.

I was up at 4am praying for you and your family that Jesus would give you peace. I am so, so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

The world's "Brave Little Soul" is now resting in the arms of Jesus with her perfect heart while the rest of us are left with our hearts breaking. Teresa was sent here with a Princess Warrior mission and she certainly did her job, and she did it well. She shared with the world what ture love really means and how important family and faith are. She was sent here to suffer, just as Jesus did, to teach the rest of us what the true meaning of life and love are. What a brave, sweet little Princess Warrior Teresa is. God truly blessed this world when he created her. What a blessing she must have been to your family. Thank you for sharing her with us. Though I never met her, I loved her as if she were my own. May Teresa continue to live each day through all of the hearts that she touched. She will forever be in mine. Your friend in NM

Love you Brave Little Princess Warrior.

Anonymous said...

I have only heard of your story for the last week and I sent a prayer for your daughter. I am so so sorry for your loss. I cannot even comprehend the heartache your family is going through right now. I pray God will wrap his loving arms around you in your time of need and just know that your daughter is safe, well and is whole now. No more pain or suffering. I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with the whole world. She was so thankful to have you instead of being alone at some orphanage. She was so loved. My words cannot express all that I am feeling as I am trying to hold back the tears! Again, I am so sorry. May she finally rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy for your family. I am still praying for all of you. I am sure your princess is smiling down on you and loving her pieced ears. God bless all of you. You all have amazing faith. Flo

Kjbikakis said...

I've been following for almost a year, and when i saw Teresa had earned her wings i cried, but i knew that she was now healthy and pain free. When I found your blog, i didn't pray much, but as i read more about this sweet princess my faith grew as i began to pray for her and for others all around the world. I like to think that my grandmother was waiting at the gates of heaven to welcome the newest princess to the castle. Praying for your family~

Susan said...

We weep with you.
Sweet Teresa is in paradise, an angel who will always be with you. We have all been blessed by her brief stay on this earth. How one little girl touched so many lives, people she never even knew... That was a miracle. Thank you for sharing her story with the world. May God bring you peace and comfort.