Monday, March 3, 2014

The Big Picture

Are you the type of person that likes to know the bigger picture.  You like to know the end of the movie or whats going to happen next.

I am definitely like this.  I don't like surprises or not knowing whats going to happen next.  I like routines and having everything planned out.

Four years ago if I had seen the bigger picture - We would adopt a little girl with half a heart,  spend months in and out of the hospital,  go through procedures, caths.,  illnesses, scarry nights trying to breath for her,  learning more than any parent should ever have to learn about the human heart, able to write a book on heart transplant and all the  possible complications,  learn about organ donation and become a strong advocate for it, jump every time the phone rings , living out of a suit case for one year, going through two weeks of suffering and pain and then holding Teresa as she went into Jesus arms,  I am not sure I would have said "Yes" when Jesus asked us to take a leap of faith and trust Him and adopt Teresa.   Not knowing the bigger picture is sometimes a benefit. We wanted to adopt Teresa to love her and for her to know the love of having her own family.  We trusted God as we prayed for a miracle but also had complete trust that God knew the bigger picture and His will would be done.

Looking back now I can see the bigger picture, I understand.   But I can only understand it now standing on the other side.  And yes, we all  agree we would do it again. God is always good.  It doesn't mean your life will not have suffering or pain but with God ALL things are possible.

Many wonderful things continue to happen.  Two weeks ago we met in Philadelphia with our team from China.  They spent the week shadowing Teresa's team of Doctors from CHOP. It was an amazing week.  The knowledge theygained they will take back to China and help the orphans.  
                                            Lily, took care of Teresa in China. It is amazing how God brought her back into our lives. Only God could orchestrate all of these details perfectly.

Last week Ed and I ran in the Disney Princess Marathon ( the 10K ) weekend at Disney World.  We both have never run in a marathon before but we could definitely feel Teresa leading us on.  As we crossed the finish line I could hear Teresa saying" really Mom , what took you so long?"  Next year we hope to have a larger team and raise even more money for the Heart Home.

Also last week Teresa's school held a fundraiser for The Heart Home.  In one day the children raised over $4,000!!!  The class that raised  the highest donations will name a room in the new Heart Home .  I will keep you posted on the name they choose.  We will be meeting with the Children on Thursday.

I had hoped on opening the Heart Home on July 1, 2014 ( one year  after Teresa's passing) .  But this is in Gods hands.  We need to raise the first years expenses before we can open the Home.  So far we have raised $30,000. After we raise the first years expenses ( $80,000), The Chunmiao  Foundation will help to fund the home along with donations.  We are working on other fundraisers.  It is never too late to donate, Donations can be made to Believe In Miracles( an approved 501C foundation) and all donations are tax deductible.  P.O Box 21199 , Catonsville Maryland 21228. Thank you !

All the girls are doing fantastic. Emilia will have the fixators from her legs removed on Friday. She will be three inches taller and is so excited! 
We are so grateful to God for all the blessings He has bestowed on our family and continue to trust completely in His will for our lives.


  1. It's so good to hear from you. So wonderful to see that peace that passes all understanding coursing thru your life. We serve an awesome redeemer. I can't wait to meet Theresa one day in heaven.

  2. Hello,

    We have never forgot about Teresa. We pray nightly that her soul is in Heaven even though we all know she is there riding her bike:):) I guess it is our Catholic upbringing:) I am so thrilled with what you are doing and know Teresa is also. Her life put such a positive stamp on all of our souls. I believe that this was her purpose: To draw people closer to God through prayers, and to save many more children who would not have been saved through your heart hospital.
    May God continue to bless and direct you always,
    Lee Ann

  3. Dear Ann and family,

    We still pray for Teresa's soul nightly, but we know she is riding her bike in Heaven next to Jesus. It must be our Catholic upbringing:):) I know Teresa affected many people in the world but her purpose in life to me was the following: Not only to bring happiness to your family but to bring people closer to God through prayer. Additionally, she brought to the forefront the need for advanced medical care for many children who would otherwise die without the love of a family. The new hospital built in her memory will save many children's lives.

    God bless all of you and may He continue to lead you,
    Lee Ann
