Sunday, February 9, 2014


Thank you Make A Wish Hawaii for making Gemmas wish so magical. The entire team of volunteers, life guards, surf instructors and the Hamilton family all went above and beyond to make the week fabulous for all 10 of the wish children.  They enjoyed  a Hawaiian Luau, surfing, sand castle making, lai making, Hula lessons, tubing the ditch, snorkeling, watching Soul Surfer and private time with Bethany.  They all overcame fears and embraced the challenge of learning something new.  Friendships were made.  All these children are my HERO'S.   Each child facing obstacles in life with their health and never giving up.
Gemma's new friend- Elizabeth
Vanina Walsh- 16 years old and second in the world for paddle boarding.  She is such a sweet girl.
Siana Hunt- CEO of Make A Wish

Uncle Kalani and Gemma getting ready to surf.
The girls with Sarah Hill.  Carrie Underwood played  Sarah in the movie.

Emilia and Gemma surfing with Noah Hamilton ( Bethany's older brother) .  He is the kindest, warmest, most humble person !

Gemma received the trophy for the most FEARLESS surfer!
Thank you Make A Wish !!!!!


  1. Wow! What an incredible trip you made... Hallelujah for Make a Wish foundation!
    Warm regards,
    Claudia Huisman, The Netherlands, mom to 2 kids from China

  2. Wonderful to see those big smiles. What an incredible experience, looks like so much fun!!

  3. What Ann Amazing Trip And What Ann Amazing Family You Have, Anne. God Bless You All! - Dave Stanghellini

  4. So glad Gemma and your family had such a wonderful trip! Thank you Make a Wish for all that you do! Love all the smiles!

  5. I love the expression of Gemma in picture #7. It's like her facial expression is saying "don't worry dude, I got this"! Classic!
