Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who will remember George?

George died today.

George died today  an orphan without a family.   He was almost two years old and he  never knew the love of having his own family.

A few months ago we asked to have George moved to Little Flower because of his heart condition.   His orphanage could not take care of his medical needs.

When we traveled to China last month, we were made Georges "Godparents"  because he was so critically ill.
We prayed for George , we advocated for him to find a family and we even thought we should adopt him.
Who will remember George?

George was born with a very complicated heart much like Teresa's.  He was a quiet soul.  He sat and watched everyone and everything.  He was too weak to do much else but he noticed everything.  His eyes were soulful.  He was an old soul.

When we met him he was a little hesitant about me coming too close to him.  He had never seen a person with blonde curly hair.  He would stare at my hair and look around like what is that?
He let me sit next to him but if my head came too close he would cry.   By the end of our first day together he was letting me hold him and feed him as long as my hair did not touch him.
He was smart, loving and so sweet.  We had a very special bond together.  I don't know what drew me to him.  Maybe it was the same thing I saw in Teresa's eyes.  He was different.  He reminded me A LOT of Teresa.  I believe with all my heart that when you live so close to death you become different.  Maybe it is because you walk  such a fine line between this world and the next.  Maybe it is because God has given you special glimpses into the next world.  I do not know but Teresa had it and so did George.

Who will remember George?

My heart is broken once again.  We loved George and were praying for him to be adopted and healed.

It has been a very difficult week.  Gemma received her blood transfusion today. Her counts were very low this month and for the past two weeks she was tired and not her bubbly self.  Emilia came home from the hospital Sunday and was re admitted today because the nasty bug in her legs was resistant to the antibiotic she came home on. On Friday we will travel to CHOP to discuss the autopsy reports for Teresa.  And today we found out that George died.

But we will go on.  We will remember  George and Teresa and all the other orphans that never knew  the joy of having their own family..  We must help the orphans.
We must get the heart home open so we can help children like George and Teresa.
Who will help them? 
It is every childs birth right to be loved and to have their own family.

Who will remember George?... will you?

This is George listening to the Taylor Swift Concert  recording that Teresa made  on my phone.  He loved it!


  1. Wee Prince George, so many tried to get you to health. There were those at your local SWI, the ones who tried so hard at China Little Flower. There are so many so loved him from afar. But you Ann, you were the only one that got to touch him, to hear his voice, to breathe the same air. Thank you for all you did for Georgie. We are determined to keep working for the children to get medical care for their broken hearts. We are crushed that Georgie is gone. You touched and taught us wise boy.

  2. My heart breaks for George. I had been praying for the Lord's will in his life. Continuing to pray for you and your family as you face each difficult moment with the health of your children. Praying also that you will be able to start the Love You More Home soon. May God's love continue to give you strength for each day.

  3. Remembering George and Teresa and all the little children who so desperately need the love of a family!
    Lets be Jesus hands and feet to the least of these!
    Praying for your family!

  4. Thank you for this post. We actually had George's file and were about to commitment to him and move forward with his adoption. I will always remember George. I was already seeing George as my son.

  5. I remember when you first posted about George. I will always remember not only George, but Teresa. They are running and playing in heaven together. Sweet sweet babies !!!!
